
Sir Guy of Frizzbourne

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Have you guys heard of resveratrol? It's supposed to be good for mitochondria and therefore help you stay young longer. Men's Health was even saying having healthy mitochondria helps keep a healthly head of hair. They were talking about this scientist who thinks within the next 5-10 years, he can have a treatment out that will keep people significantly younger. Resveratrol is already in red wine, but there's not nearly enough in it to make a significant difference, although I noticed it's also in my grape seed extract capsuls. Anybody know were to get the highest dose of resveratrol? I'm thinking red wine extract might be worth checking out too.


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mm I'd be a little careful about resveratrol; I heard high dosages of it is not good for you. If you're interested, do a bit of research on it before you get on that.

Also heard that its good to take it with Curcumin (Turmeric)


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The problem with Resveratrol is that it isn't really effective when taking orally. I have researched this for quite a while and I think it's best to just drink a couple of glasses of wine in moderation. It could also be several other things in red wine that are good for you, people are focusing to much on Resveratrol.


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Not absorbed? How can it not be absorbed if they fed it to the mice? They absorbed it. Or did they inject it. Either way, if it is not absorbed, I don't see how it could be unhealthy. Maybe bioprene would help you absorb it, or you could dissolve it in something, hopefully other than ethanol.


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Resveratrol's bioavailability is quite low, which is why some people mix it with various things. Quercetin improves its bioavailability, but there is speculation whether quercetin blocks the expression of SIRT1 (which is the gene that extends lifespan).

Matt Skiba

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If you want an effective delivery method, I suggest you go topical. The best product for this, is sustain alpha. I've tried it for periods of about 3 months or so, mainly to help repair my libido after I felt it was damaged by propecia. For that purpose, it definitely worked, and it made me feel better too. Can't say anything about it doing anything for hair, maybe slightly thicker? I guess to truly find out if it does anything for hair you would have to apply it every day for a year, and combine it with an oral source of turmeric (may I suggest emerald balance?). You can have fun paying for all of that, primordial also sells toco-8 which they claim works against hair loss, I haven't heard anyone actually having success with that though sadly. If you have a fat wallet and you wanna take all thee expensive supplements to see if they do anything go ahead. I guarantee you the resveratrol in sustain alpha is absorbed very nicely, and you can definitely feel it.

Someone on the forum stated a while back their friend grew back ALL of their hair with intense aerobic exercise training for a marathon combined with emerald balance. Emerald balance contains quite a few ingredients and it is definitely good for your health, maybe even the quality of your hair. It contains turmeric, check it out:

Not smoking cigarettes, intense aerobic exercise, and eating 6 smaller meals to keep insulin levels in check might help your hair, and will help your well-being. The downside is it takes a whole lot of discipline, and its something a lot of people would easily give up on. I can say it's not something I've been able to do for myself haha.


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Matt Skiba said:
If you want an effective delivery method, I suggest you go topical. The best product for this, is sustain alpha. I've tried it for periods of about 3 months or so, mainly to help repair my libido after I felt it was damaged by propecia. For that purpose, it definitely worked, and it made me feel better too. Can't say anything about it doing anything for hair, maybe slightly thicker? I guess to truly find out if it does anything for hair you would have to apply it every day for a year, and combine it with an oral source of turmeric (may I suggest emerald balance?). You can have fun paying for all of that, primordial also sells toco-8 which they claim works against hair loss, I haven't heard anyone actually having success with that though sadly. If you have a fat wallet and you wanna take all thee expensive supplements to see if they do anything go ahead. I guarantee you the resveratrol in sustain alpha is absorbed very nicely, and you can definitely feel it.

Someone on the forum stated a while back their friend grew back ALL of their hair with intense aerobic exercise training for a marathon combined with emerald balance. Emerald balance contains quite a few ingredients and it is definitely good for your health, maybe even the quality of your hair. It contains turmeric, check it out:

Not smoking cigarettes, intense aerobic exercise, and eating 6 smaller meals to keep insulin levels in check might help your hair, and will help your well-being. The downside is it takes a whole lot of discipline, and its something a lot of people would easily give up on. I can say it's not something I've been able to do for myself haha.

Hi Matt,

I have been thinking about trying sustain alpha for my libido, my only worry was that it would raise my libido temporarily but then it would crash once I finish the bottle, did you find it just bought you back to your pre propecia levels even once you had stopped using it? Also I have acne on my back and neck, I was worried it might cause me problems there?

I have just started taking Emerald Balance and I am trying to stick to a high alkaline diet as I have read this greatly reduces inflammation which I believe is one of the main causes of hairloss. It also seems to be helping my acne which is a bonus!




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JLL said:
Resveratrol's bioavailability is quite low, which is why some people mix it with various things. Quercetin improves its bioavailability, but there is speculation whether quercetin blocks the expression of SIRT1 (which is the gene that extends lifespan).

vitamin C and citric acid increase the absorption of green tea. Might work for resveratrol too.


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T-nation/biotest sells 100% resveratol (Rez-V []), and they recommend what seems to me like a _huge_ dose (600 mg). I thought it was just because they wanted to make more money off the stuff. Maybe it's more of a brute force attempt on the bioavailability issue.


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I did a little digging and started taking it to help with the side effects from dutasteride (mild weight gain). I have found it helpful. I take 500mg/day (biotivia's transmax, cheaper on NSI than biotivia's site). Nobody really understands the absorption thing. Pure resveratrol isn't very prevalant in the blood after you take it, much of it is conjugated as a gluconorite or other metabolites. Is resveratrol gluconorite as clinically effective as pure resveratrol in the blood? Is it effective at all? Nobody knows for sure. I'm hoping yes. There have definitely been studies showing beneficial effects in rodents, however if you convert doses used in the studies to human metabolism, you wind up looking for 5g a day, which, besides being impractical to consume, is prohibitively expensive.

I don't think it will do anything for hair loss on it's own, though, but I've been off the dutasteride for almost a month and i'm not bald yet =). Knock on wood!

Matt Skiba

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I know I'm posting in a thread I haven't posted in for nearly a year now, but seriously, if you want to take resveratrol you can only do it topically, and when I mean topically I don't mean the scalp I mean the whole body just about, as it needs to get into your bloodstream.

It might not do much for hair or anything at all, but I am a firm believer that this is one of the best and most effective supplements out there, and I also believe in the anti-aging properties of it. It has actually been like 2 years almost since I used this stuff but it recovered my libido and it has stayed solid since. Even steroid users can supposedly recover they're sexual abilities using this stuff and that's something that has proven science behind it unlike persisting finasteride sides.

I am actually thinking of getting into a fitness regimen and taking some of primordial performance's stuff again, but then again it's kinda hard to be motivated about that sort of thing when your hair sucks.


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Bung it with curcumin 95 and balance it out with a good diet, hormonal balance and good SHBG levels and you might be onto a winner :)

And you don't need injections or anything just buy capsules on ebay or something o_O lol


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HA! I wouldn't go out of my way to stab myself everyday... (or would I? :ninja: ) but what I've read is that the bioavailability of res is quite low, even at extreme doses.

Regardless, Resveratrol has always been an interesting subject for me.

We should develop a highly effective supplement Hoppi and become millionaires! :hairy:

Brains Expel Hair

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The highest amount of resveratrol is found in the seeds and skins of the grape (seeds highest of those two). If you're comparing either juice or wines it really doesn't matter as they both contain similar concentrations of the molecule but the wine making process may account for a slightly better extraction process from the seeds.

A colleague of mine works in a lab that does a good bit of research on resveratrol and he is a firm believer in it's miracle drug hype. However he's also one of those people who still claims that high fructose corn syrup isn't bad for you because it's the same as table sugar (no matter how often I point out to him how terrible table sugar is).


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KANGA said:
HA! I wouldn't go out of my way to stab myself everyday... (or would I? :ninja: ) but what I've read is that the bioavailability of res is quite low, even at extreme doses.

Regardless, Resveratrol has always been an interesting subject for me.

We should develop a highly effective supplement Hoppi and become millionaires! :hairy:

haha yeah!

Don't worry about the bioavailability though, apparently there's something good about taking it with something with fat in it (but preferably healthy, like natural yoghurt), that's what many people seem to do! I think I heard it doubles the bioavailability!

Just obviously be careful coz fat... I think it increases sebum and maaaybe impacts SHBG... probably, I don't know :) Point is, don't overdo it! lol


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oo just learnt, as this increases testosterone a bit that actually seems to be a GOOD thing for most guys with male pattern baldness, even younger guys!

High T and low E is good so long as you have enough SHBG to mop things up!

Curcumin and Res I imagine will help balance hormones, ease inflammation, block some 5ar and probably also do some other stuff I don't know about! :)


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I'm getting my Res from Swanson at the moment :)