Retin A cream & minoxidil. good or bad idea?



I've heard that applying Retin A cream 0.025% to the scalp before applying minoxidil helps absorb the minoxidil better. But on the other hand I've heard it has no benefit whatsoever? If you believe its worth adding to my regimen, how often and what quantity should I apply it? At the same time as the minoxidil or a few hours before, every time I apply minoxidil or just the once in the day?

btw if Retin A cream 0.025% encourages hair growth why do people use it all over their face for acne and wrinkle prevention and not end up looking like Chewbacca?

Thanks, your help is greatly appreciated



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kenny19 said:
I've heard that applying Retin A cream 0.025% to the scalp before applying minoxidil helps absorb the minoxidil better.

That's correct, but you don't have to apply it right before the minoxidil. Any time at all during the day or night is fine.

kenny19 said:
But on the other hand I've heard it has no benefit whatsoever? If you believe its worth adding to my regimen, how often and what quantity should I apply it?

Not only does it help minoxidil absorb better, it also seems to have growth-promoting effects of its own.

kenny19 said:
At the same time as the minoxidil or a few hours before, every time I apply minoxidil or just the once in the day?

Again, it doesn't have anything to do with using it at the same time as minoxidil. Just as long as you apply it at fairly regular intervals, it will have the desired effect.

The exact dose that's right for YOU, nobody can say. Start off with a small amount and gradually increase it. BACK-OFF on the dose the moment you start to get any irritation!!

kenny19 said:
btw if Retin A cream 0.025% encourages hair growth why do people use it all over their face for acne and wrinkle prevention and not end up looking like Chewbacca?

It would be nice if anything worked THAT well! :D Besides, the effect probably only occurs where you actually apply it.
