

can idream summore

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ok i know i spelled it wrong, but dont know much about this, can some one please inform me on this one. All i know about this is that my brother takes it for pimples. can it help to prevent hair loss in someway. and is it a pill.does it have any side effects, and are the pimple kind the same thing as the hairloss helper kind. and please dont make fun of me for my miss spellings, run on sentences and whatever else i suk @..thank youfor any help ahead of time..oh and where can i get some with out a prescription besides mexico.dmore


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Retin-A is a cream. Active ingredient: Tretinoin .025 - .05% by volume. It's a Vitamin-A derivative and is benificial in maintaining a healthy skin condition. It also opens up pores allowing for superabsorption of the fun stuff you put on your scalp. It's a double edged sword however. Retinoic acids in high doses can cause a toxosis and cause your hair to actually fall out... one of the side effects of Accutane (Isotretinoin). Use it if you can do you great...but it can also set you back.

Also, I wouldn't buy ANY prescription products without a prescription. Especially a high dose of a vitamin. Retinoids can screw you up big time if you're susceptible. Just get yer *** to a doctor and get checked out for it. Chances are he'll get you a prescription for it..a whopping 10-15 bucks a tube.


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i've never actually heard retin-a can make your hair fall out. maybe that's why i haven't had much success with the big 3. will the hair grow back if use of retin-a is stopped?


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Retin-A shouldn't cause your hair to fall out... I'm just saying that an overdose of vitamin-A can cause a shed. But it will grow back most likely. You should stop and see if you see any change.


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Ams99 said:
i've never actually heard retin-a can make your hair fall out. maybe that's why i haven't had much success with the big 3. will the hair grow back if use of retin-a is stopped?

A mega dose of vitamin A can possibly cause hairloss. Accutane is said to raise Vitamin A level in the body something like 700 times.

Retin-A is a realtively strong acidic substance that is generally used to treat acne or wrinkles. It has minor hair regrowth properties on its own. Some feel it exfoliates the skin and allows for better Minoxidil absorption.

Either way, it's to be used with caution, as it can irritate the skin. Me, I don't have sensitive skin and I eat Retin-A alive. Some people here seem to get rashes if the wind blows to the northeast; to them, I suggest they stay away from Retonic Acid.