Revestarol&Curcumin & IC3 & Soy Isoflavons & 0.25mg propecia


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My question is simple can anyone see a problem with this combination?

IC3 = Indole 3 Carbinol

I have always suffered sides until i started this combination i no longer get propecia sides or any DHT reducing sides

But does this combo make sense?

Is the IC3 aromotase inhibitor a potential reason for no sides?

Any thoughhts appreciated!


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Blondilocks said:
My question is simple can anyone see a problem with this combination?

IC3 = Indole 3 Carbinol

I have always suffered sides until i started this combination i no longer get propecia sides or any DHT reducing sides

But does this combo make sense?

Is the IC3 aromotase inhibitor a potential reason for no sides?

Any thoughhts appreciated!
Can't help you out on this, but can you give some details about the sides and which dosage etc. you tried?

I'm currently thinking of a very low dose of propecia as well.


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I Started the Resverstarol/Cucumin combo after reading
The I3C Indole 3 Carbinol i started because its meant to be a natural way of promoting a helahy hormonal balance.

Propeica for me developed the following syptoms, and i have tried it on 3 seperate occasions:

1. Very dased
2. Enlarged and clearly visible penile tissue change/ blood vessels
3. low libido
4. Unable to get it up
5. Ejaculate thickened

Now these syptoms were the same with any kind of DHT reducer, however since this curreent regime which has only been a week, so far so good! And the syptoms I have suffered in the past are normally pretty paid on onset

My assumption is that the I3C as aromotase inhibitor is ridding me of the side effects, however i want to know whether it may be counter productive and thats why im not getting the syptoms, maybe because its a promoter of healthy hormone balance its increasing my DHT!

So i'm in need of an expert ASAP!

Bryan etc!

B out!

I'm welcome to suggestions and please fire away with any questions!


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What is the difference of IC3 and DIM?

I heard that IC3 converts to DIM so why not just take DIM instead?

To my knowledge they both metabolize estrogen...


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I have just started this regime and so far i feel great. Thank you Elvis for informing me of its similarity with DIM i was unaware, and i do suspect that perhaps it is the Estrogen that i was suffering side effects from?

What I really want to know tho is if this regime might speed up my male pattern baldness?

Is it a good group of supplements to take?

I just dont wan tto continue with something that may in fact be increasing my hairloss, through increasing testosterone or anything elese

Any advice insight would be welcome



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Blondliocks, i wish you the best of luck with your regimen!

Have you ever have bloodtests done to test your hormonal values? The problem for me was that i have a naturally higher estrogene level, and on propecia it "exploded". When I noticed my left breast getting bigger i was upset and quit the drug.


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This was the regimen I was going to take up, unfortuenalty I can't re-introduce Finasteride because of the sides I got.

male pattern has some great information and studies.


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DECRO my sides were god awful but since i started this regime no more!!!!!!!!

Try indole 3 carbinol!

You can look back at my posts on this site an you'll find im up there in the worst sides category!. Its not in my head, ive tried three times and had phyical syptoms.

Its been almost 2 weeks now and normally the sides are evident within 3 days, or less so i feel confident that one fo the combo im taking is really doinf the trick and my bet is the I3C because its a massive aromotase inhibitor and therefore if my sides were due to elevated estorgen thats no under control plus indole 3 carobinolle is meant to promote health hormonal balance, and as it is basically concentrated brockely! i thought why not, and brockley is a natural prostate healer!.

I could not stomach Caneene (red pepper?) extract with the soy but im stil taking the soy isoflavons becaus ethey up regulate SBGH and appearantly in young men with early male pattern baldness there can be almost a 50% difference between young men loosing there hair and men that arent so i thought hey why not!

Revestarol isnt cheap but tumeriuc curcumcin is!

To tell you the truth i feel pretty good at the mo

My regime is:

minoxidil foam 5% = 1 year
Nizoral Shampoo = 1 year
T Gel shampoo = 2 weeks
Alopcia? Shampoo (caffeine) = 2 weeks
Revestarol 50 mg x 1 per day = 2 weeks
soy isoflavons 250 mg x 1 per day = 2 weeks
Curcumin 100mg x 1 per day = 2 weeks
I3C x 1 per day = 2 weeks
0.25 mg finestride x 1 per day = 2 weeks

My concern is that if i have managed to get rid of my sides am i taking something that is stomping all over the finestride benefits????

All comments welcome,

i cant believe i can take finestride and feel ok!

Fingers crossed


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Blondilocks said:
DECRO my sides were god awful but since i started this regime no more!!!!!!!!

Try indole 3 carbinol!

You can look back at my posts on this site an you'll find im up there in the worst sides category!. Its not in my head, ive tried three times and had phyical syptoms.

Its been almost 2 weeks now and normally the sides are evident within 3 days, or less so i feel confident that one fo the combo im taking is really doinf the trick and my bet is the I3C because its a massive aromotase inhibitor and therefore if my sides were due to elevated estorgen thats no under control plus indole 3 carobinolle is meant to promote health hormonal balance, and as it is basically concentrated brockely! i thought why not, and brockley is a natural prostate healer!.

I could not stomach Caneene (red pepper?) extract with the soy but im stil taking the soy isoflavons becaus ethey up regulate SBGH and appearantly in young men with early male pattern baldness there can be almost a 50% difference between young men loosing there hair and men that arent so i thought hey why not!

Revestarol isnt cheap but tumeriuc curcumcin is!

To tell you the truth i feel pretty good at the mo

My regime is:

minoxidil foam 5% = 1 year
Nizoral Shampoo = 1 year
T Gel shampoo = 2 weeks
Alopcia? Shampoo (caffeine) = 2 weeks
Revestarol 50 mg x 1 per day = 2 weeks
soy isoflavons 250 mg x 1 per day = 2 weeks
Curcumin 100mg x 1 per day = 2 weeks
I3C x 1 per day = 2 weeks
0.25 mg finestride x 1 per day = 2 weeks

My concern is that if i have managed to get rid of my sides am i taking something that is stomping all over the finestride benefits????

All comments welcome,

i cant believe i can take finestride and feel ok!

Fingers crossed

Only time will tell man. Fact is though, I'm a student and while I do have access to money I really find it hard to spend it on treatments that lack in extensive research. How much are you spendly monthly on your regimen?

I've tried Finasteride twice and still haven't got rid of the side effects five months after quitting the drug for the second time. It took me a while to see the symptoms (1 month- 2 months), I honestly can't endure another episode of depression and hormonal imbalance. Though, I understand that without including Finasteride into a regimen, you aren't going anywhere.

If I was able to take Finasteride I would have a regimen like yours. I expect you got most of your information from male pattern, I do too. Anyway, good luck with your regimen, keep me updated on your status!


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So far No Sides 3 weeks in! Fingers crossed this fortune continues.

Massive shedding however, absolute masses! Nevermind! hey!


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That's great man, the bigger the shed the better! embrace it!

You must be really looking forward to the results! Well Done!


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Decro are you going to start Resverstarol/Curcumin ?

To be honest i'm a little scared at an early shed im worried it could be due to rising testosterone but we will see, i will keep you updated, have you looked into I3C? I suffered sides from green tea, and soy isoflavons just like propecia it could be worth shot to add I3C to a herbal or non herbal route? I mean im no mean sure but literally i cant tolerate Propecia past 3 days or any other DHT blocker so 3 weeks is a milestone

Please keep me updated!


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Just thought i would post an update for my reference or anyone else whos interested.

Well im coming up to 5/6 weeks of this regime and although i have previsouly suffered sideeffects i feel very healthy and sound of mind, the only problem is i have developed the uncomfortable sideeffect i alawys encounter with dht altering supplements the ejacluate consitency. However after reading simliar effects on baldingblog and that people have continued and gone on to be fine, so for now i will continue

Its weird how every day your perception your hair is different sometimes good sometimes really bad.

But ive had two periods in the past 6 weeks where its seems every time i run my hand through my hair im littered with hair, also my head feels really sensetive and itchy, and then for a week or so its fine?

So although i feel really good i'll just have to wait and see my biggest fear is my regime is infact going to speed up the male pattern baldness process

Amsch- i did have my testosterone checked it was normal, but i agree i think when i went on propecia i must have exploded my estrogen levels and the I3C has definetley taken control of that


My Regimen
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Just thought i would post an update for my reference or anyone else whos interested.

Well im coming up to 5/6 weeks of this regime and although i have previsouly suffered sideeffects i feel very healthy and sound of mind, the only problem is i have developed the uncomfortable sideeffect i alawys encounter with dht altering supplements the ejacluate consitency. However after reading simliar effects on baldingblog and that people have continued and gone on to be fine, so for now i will continue

Its weird how every day your perception your hair is different sometimes good sometimes really bad.

But ive had two periods in the past 6 weeks where its seems every time i run my hand through my hair im littered with hair, also my head feels really sensetive and itchy, and then for a week or so its fine?

So although i feel really good i'll just have to wait and see my biggest fear is my regime is infact going to speed up the male pattern baldness process

Amsch- i did have my testosterone checked it was normal, but i agree i think when i went on propecia i must have exploded my estrogen levels and the I3C has definetley taken control of that

Please can you let us know how it went for you?


My Regimen
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Those compounds hinder the bodys ability to metabolize minoxidil. So you are significantly sabotaging yourself if you take them and also minoxidil.