Revian Led Helmet Clinical Results Better Than Minoxidil


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I am always looking at the cutting edge of new treatments and am very skeptical of most things ever since the Brotzu failures. What intrigues me about the new clinical trial result from company Revian is that they offer a 6 month money back guarantee.

Here is a link to an article about the clinical trial which showed a 26 hair/cm^2 improvement:

I am curious to see if anyone will try this? Another note is that users reported a "statistically significant" reduction in scalp itching and irritation, which if you're part of the all day itch gang like me is very important. Needless to say I will most likely be giving this a try solely because of the 6 month money back guarantee. My hairloss is agressive enough that I will have proof of continued loss in 6 months and promptly return the product if it does not work.


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If you are willing to become our guinea pig, just watch out for general terms and conditions. These full refund policies often bear a strong legal framework.
Let us know if you need help reading it. I am sure a few forumers like me would be keen to assist you. After all, this forum was initially meant for baldies to pull together (although it seems many forgot about it) :)