Revita Shampoo and Conditioner + Roagine?


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I am on finasteride, Rogaine, and Nizoral- Can I add the Revita or is it a complete waste of money?

Any stories? Has it helped? Improvements?

Need advice guys


Experienced Member
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Is it a Ketoconazole shampoo just like nizoral. If you do start to use reita you should stop nizoral or your hair may get extremely dry. Just change nizoral with revita or alter them and you will be fine.

Got no experience with it but i heard nice words about revita.COR conditioner. It even got a own thread in here and if i remember right it is only possitive comments in it, search if interested :)


Established Member
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I find Revita dries my hair out on it's own. Revita shampoo + Revita.COR I am very happy with. Combined I feel they definitely help to improve the scalp and general appearance of the hair.

Revita contains more active ingredients than Nizoral, and is aimed specifically at hair loss where as Nizoral is just aimed at scalp condition.

Also of note, is that you're only supposed to use Nizoral 2-3 times a week? Where as the information for Revita says you need to use it at least 5 times a week for it to be effective.

I have some RegenePure NT/DR shampoo on order so will see how it compares.


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I'm sold, will purchase this tomorrow and hopefully have it this week or the next

I wont use nizoral anymore.. It worked great when I had long hair aside from the dandruff but now with buzzed hair- no matter how little i use- i sometimes get redbumps which is not cool at all. so shampoo lasts me awhile- i use to just doust my hair with shampoo and conditioner before going out and get tons of complements /rant

ohhhh, should i grow my hair out as soon as i start using this? like.. should i buzz the day i get it (no.1/2) and then watch my hair grow and see what happens.. i cant see a difference in thicken shampoos with a buzzed head because its pointless. i usually tan my head and it looks so much better than anything else. spray tans are not bad at all. choose the lightest shade and go once every 8 days. desert sun has the best one but dont buy any bronzer.