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Bryan said:
Jacob said:
You can claim they're the first..all you want. You can claim they said this..said that..all you want. You can even actually BELIEVE what they say- all you want(I've posted other examples where they weren't telling the truth and/or could not provide any evidence or even a response to what they were saying/claiming). Nothing on their website..nothing on their labels/ingredients list any different from what the other companies say/list.

There's a simple and obvious reason why their labels/ingredients lists and websites all say similar things about their products: having a detailed and technical discussion of chemistry (especially considering the biological properties of fatty acids) is well beyond the scope of what an average person can understand, when it comes to applying chemicals to his scalp to treat his hairloss. But the makers of Revivogen did go into technical detail about those things, when they were originally asked about these issues, back on HLH (including by ME!!). They explained in considerable detail about the huge importance of "free-form fatty acids", because they were ASKED by other members of that group why people couldn't simply apply natural oils, since such oils contained lots of LA, ALA, GLA, etc. So we FORCED the Revivogen people to reveal the important details of how Revivogen actually works! :)

The same may not be true of all the other products which try to make a buck on Revivogen's good name: they may simply be using cheap natural oils, or simply CLAIMING to use free-form fatty acids, without actually doing so. This is where YOU come in: for the third time, I'm telling you to contact those people again, and quiz them about exactly how they produce their product! After hearing what they say, let's see if you STILL believe that they use "free-form fatty acids"! :mrgreen:

Every excuse you just gave there could be said about all the other companies that have products that contains those FA's. FA's listed in their ingredients lists just as Revivogen lists them. Revivogen coming on a forum talking all technical and trying to impress everybody..means nothing- as we all know doesn't mean much when it comes to a certain other line as well.

Every product that I've posted so far has the Linoleic Acid etc separate from the "natural oils", if they even contain/list the latter.

Plenty of other companies go into a good deal of detail and discussion. Dermatopoietin comes to mind. Revivogen does not even simply say that those FA's are in their "free form". No amount of detail or discussion is needed beyond that. Just like there isn't much for "fatty acids" which any average Joe is just going to shrug their shoulders at as well. All there is at their website is "Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA), Linoleic and Oleic Acid are essential fatty acids found in plant oils." Nothing about how they need to be in their "free form". Nothing about how special theirs are. Nothing about how unique they are compared to other products that also list those FA's in their ingreds lists.

Again...there was nothing in their ingreds list that would make the product liposomal, either. Notice these days(and for some time now)..they no longer make that claim on their website.


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Jacob said:
Every excuse you just gave there could be said about all the other companies that have products that contains those FA's. FA's listed in their ingredients lists just as Revivogen lists them. Revivogen coming on a forum talking all technical and trying to impress everybody..means nothing- as we all know doesn't mean much when it comes to a certain other line as well.

I've already explained how we FORCED them to become much more technical.

Jacob said:
Every product that I've posted so far has the Linoleic Acid etc separate from the "natural oils", if they even contain/list the latter.

I've already explained how and why Revivogen and those other "me-too" companies BOTH list their fatty acids in similar ways.

Jacob said:
Plenty of other companies go into a good deal of detail and discussion. Dermatopoietin comes to mind. Revivogen does not even simply say that those FA's are in their "free form".

How many times do I have to keep going over and over and over this?? :dunno:

Jacob said:
No amount of detail or discussion is needed beyond that. Just like there isn't much for "fatty acids" which any average Joe is just going to shrug their shoulders at as well. All there is at their website is "Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA), Linoleic and Oleic Acid are essential fatty acids found in plant oils." Nothing about how they need to be in their "free form". Nothing about how special theirs are. Nothing about how unique they are compared to other products that also list those FA's in their ingreds lists.

I've already explained why that's the case. How many times do I have to keep going over and over and over this stuff?? :dunno:


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So that's going to be your tactic from now on..just quote what you want and say you've already explained it. I guess that's the best you will ever be able to do. You haven't explained squat.

There is absolutely nothing unique about Revivogen. See my previous post. Actually..I'll just repost it:

Every excuse you just gave there could be said about all the other companies that have products that contains those FA's. FA's listed in their ingredients lists just as Revivogen lists them. Revivogen coming on a forum talking all technical and trying to impress everybody..means nothing- as we all know doesn't mean much when it comes to a certain other line as well.

Every product that I've posted so far has the Linoleic Acid etc separate from the "natural oils", if they even contain/list the latter.

Plenty of other companies go into a good deal of detail and discussion. Dermatopoietin comes to mind. Revivogen does not even simply say that those FA's are in their "free form". No amount of detail or discussion is needed beyond that. Just like there isn't much for "fatty acids" which any average Joe is just going to shrug their shoulders at as well. All there is at their website is "Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA), Linoleic and Oleic Acid are essential fatty acids found in plant oils." Nothing about how they need to be in their "free form". Nothing about how special theirs are. Nothing about how unique they are compared to other products that also list those FA's in their ingreds lists.

Again...there was nothing in their ingreds list that would make the product liposomal, either. Notice these days(and for some time now)..they no longer make that claim on their website.