Revivogen, finasteride and Depression


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Hi dudes, I've been on Revivogen, Tricomin for 2 month by now and on 0.5mg finasteride for 1 year as well. Things have been going quite bearable, some minor sexual sides from finasteride and bitchy Revivogen smell/consistence didn't spread into a tragedy for me. But recently, I have started feeling, I'm getting exhausted too fast, depressed pessimistic mood/thoughts, anxiety attacks in the evenings, difficulties while trying concetrate, etc.

I've found some discussions on the internet, people seem encountered similar symptoms, generally blaming Revivogen to be the cause, though I couldn't find any officially reported evidence.

Have any of you, dudes, experienced the same problems ? And what have you undertaken, to bring things back to normal.


Established Member
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hey buddy,

probably not the revivogen as I can tell you that Ive been using it for around 10 months and things continue to look worse. if its not working i can imagine that the effects it has are non existent. anyway, if i take anything over 0.25 mg of finasteride i find that i have massive mood swings. after dropping down to 0.25 for periods of maybe a month without trying higher dosages things did actually improve in the overall quality of my life, and outlook on my situation. i find that if i try higher dosages im more vulenerable to negative thoughts from just my recollections of the times recently ive been unhappy etc. some people will argue its probably mental or maybe my life was better at these times, and yeah maybe for some people it is. but i had a very unhappy bunch of months on 1mg and great positive time on 0.25 regardless of the hairloss. and yeah 0.25 is obviously compromising the effect.

i found with 1mg , i would take it at night, next day around 11-1pm i would get bad mental scattered feelings and negative sways in emotion. which would suddenly dissapear when i was leaving work.

THIS IS MY EXPERIENCE AND I DONT SAY ITS FACT, But for me 0.25 is the limit of finasteride, ive accepted my head cant tolerate it.



Senior Member
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So, you don't think the depression is caused by the fact you are losing your hair, which causes depression due to identity issues. I'd say that's the most likely...


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Jake_89 said:
I'm confused.

does it actually mean:
"Try .25, cause .5 is most likely to be the issue in my case",
or :
"Try .25, cause it's almost as effective as .5, but due to the lower dosage those sides less likely to appear.
