Revivogen/ irritation question for


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I've been using revivogen now for a couple of months and my scalp is getting very irritated - I've tried washing it out every morning, application every other day, emu oil etc etc but I think I'm going to have to drop it. I think my scalp has been damaged somehow as it sems to itch the whole time at the moment - I'm worried this is causing more hair loss.... So I have a couple of questions - Is there anything else I can do to get my scalp to tolerate revivogen ? If not, is spironolactone with emu oil a good topical alternative ? - how do you get the spironolactone cream on your scalp without giving your hair a coating ?! Any advice is much apprecitated !!


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Are you applying it once or twice per day?

Try applying it only once per day in the evening.


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I was only applying it in the evening and then washing out in the morning - this caused some irritation, so I started only applying uit every other day - still got irritation, so i starting applying just emu oil but still have irritation from that ! Seems like revivogen has made the front part of my scalp ultra sensitive !

Do you reckon I should just lay off everything until all the irritation dissipates and then try again or just go with something else like spironolactone. It's just that I'm concerened that this itchiness is detrimental to the hair and scalp...