Revivogen or Proxiphen-N?


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I would appreciate some advice on the following matter. Currently between my xandrox 5% applications, I apply 2ml of Revivogen every evenining three hours before my nightly pre-bed xandrox app. I do this as a measure to protect my precious little follicles from DHT. My question is ... since Proxiphen-N is about the same price as Revivogen, which one would be better for this purpose? Does Proxiphen-N have anti-DHT properties? I know the prescription strength Proxiphen does ... but what about it's cheaper sibling?



Established Member
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Stick with Revivogen. If I remember correctly, Proxiphen-N is purely a regrowth agent, not a DHT-inhibitor. Unless you consider copper peptides a DHT-inibitor.


Go to and get their spironolactone with nanosomes. spironolactone seems to be the best topical pick and nanosomes the best way of getting the stuff through the scalp.


Senior Member
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I disagree I don't think spironolactone is the best choice as a topical. spironolactone is a weak anti-androgen at best. It may help you maintain, if there is any possible way of ever knowing that it is doing so. All of the studies concerning revivogen were conducted in-vitro, which is better than nothing but I still don't think it is anything special. The best topical would be fluridil and Ru (when Ru becomes more available). Why waste time with a mild anti-androgen when you can use fluridil. spironolactone will not improve the cosmetic appearance of your hair.


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Thanks for the input. I am not expecting regrowth from Revivogen, but instead am hoping for maintenance. If I see any regrowth I suspect it will come from Xandrox. I have been on Revivogen around 5 months now, and only have been on the Xandrox for a month. I am seeing good things but at the same time I feel that my hairloss has progressed further and further back on the crown even since I have been on the revivogen. There is general thinning that is occuring right down the middle. My hairline is already screwed up pretty bad (if you even want to call it a hairline). My biggest concern is maintenance. I am paying a premium price for Revivogen and I am wondering if that is the best solution for long term salvage. I am looking into getting a hair transplant within the next 1.5 years and need to maintain what I have right now so I don't screw up my hair by going the hair transplant route at such a young age (24.5). I absolutely will not take Propecia or any drug of the same internal mechanism. I know this limits me but I have made up my mind on this one. But I guess now my question is answered concerning Proxiphen-N. It is not a viable alternative to Revivogen. Thank you.