Revivogen or Rogaine?


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I've been doing revivogen for 2 weeks now and noticing some itching in the applied area. I'll be adding nizoral shampoo to help that. Will I have better results from Rogaine? It just sounds like the Minoxidil chemical is amazing.....
Thanks in advance.


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I know how you feel., I have just started and am shedding like there is no tomorrow. It is scary stuff. we just have to keep trying and hoping.


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This post reveals a fundamental misunderstanding in hair loss treatments.

Rogaine and Revivogen are to completely different products. They should not be an either/or. Rogaine is a growth stimulant. Revivogen is primarily a DHT inhibition 5 alpha reductase blocker. Rogaine is used for stimulating growth in areas that have noticed significant loss. Revivogen is a potential topically applied local alternative to an internally ingested DHT inhibitor like Propecia... used primarily for maintenance of hair.

The irritation you have from Revivogen will not be taken care of by Nizoral. Nizoral is an antifungal. Revivogen does not promote fungus growth. If you are having problems with revivogen irritation it is suggested that you apply it in the evening a few hours before bed and wash it off in the morning. Apply only once per day. And I would never use Revivogen just by itself.

Please read through the products section of this site and familiarize yourself more on what each of the treatments do, and the differences between them. Its imperative for you to make an intelligent choice on which you want to use in your regimen.


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Thanks for responding....
I do understand that they are completely different....Revivogen thickens hair, so I decided to use that, since I am thinning above the temples. I guess my question is would it be better for thinning front to take some thing to stimulate growth or something to inhibit DHT and promote thicker hairs?
I am using Revivogen once a day at night before bed and every morning for about 10 minutes my head just wants fingernails to scratch it....ugh.
Obviously, I hold back.
And if Revivogen shouldn't be taken by itselft, what else should I add?


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mjd0482 said:
I guess my question is would it be better for thinning front to take some thing to stimulate growth or something to inhibit DHT and promote thicker hairs?
You need BOTH!

mjd0482 said:
And if Revivogen shouldn't be taken by itselft, what else should I add?
Rogaine. You need both a DHT-inhibitor and a growth-stimulant if you want to stop balding AND regrow hair.

I suggest you go on Finasteride and Rogaine 1x a day and Revivogen 1x day - and of course Nizoral 2-3x a week.

This way you will inhibit much of the DHT systemically with Finasteride (38% of scalp-DHT), and you will inhibit much of the DHT that escape the finasteride-trap with Revivogen AND achieve some regrowth using Rogaine (or other minoxidil brand, like Kirkland, Dr. Lee etc.).