Revivogen & Order of Topical Application


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As you may have read, I've been on Proscar (1.25mg per day) and minoxidil (1.5ml once per day) for nearly 2 years now and have maintained or at the very least lost much more slowly, my hair. About 5 months ago added American Crew peptides (every other day) and Nizoral (2 per week), thought I saw a little improvement. Then I went OS and got a head massage, documented in the post entitled "Head Massage Nightmare". Since then, things have looked a little thin... although I'm hoping those hairs yanked out will grow back after a brief rest...

Now - in order to prevent further thinning of my hair, and avoid the "Friar Tuck" look (read: perfect hairline, thinning crown), I am thinking of adding Revivogen into the mix some time soon. I might give my hair another few months to pick up it's game, but pending no further successes, Revivogen is definitely on the cards. Any thoughts or advice?

I note that a number of people here are using a myriad of topicals all at the same time. How then does one work Revivogen, Minoxidil and Cu peptides into the same mix? Please keep in mind, I'd rather do this all at night...

Basically I'm asking for the routines of those using the same topicals as I.

Laters and thanks in advance.



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It's hard to work Revivogen into any regimen, IMO. The makers of Revivogen say you must give it three hours of scalp time by itself, with no other topicals present. Who has that kind of time, especially when copper peptides and minoxidil are more proven? Also, Revivogen is the greasiest stuff I have used; you can't go anywhere when it is on your head, and you can't sleep with it on your head either, or your pillow will be a mess.


That and the makers can´t produce a human study to prove it´s effectivness despite millions of sold items. Basiclly it´s a solid theory but please back it up with a study.