Revivogen v minoxidil 5% v Tricomin


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Hello all. I was wondering which of the above would be the suitable option for me. I am 27 and been receding now for around 7 and a half years. It has not been too bad, but has got quite noticeably worse over the last year (I started minoxidil 5% for 4 months last year and came off it. Whether this is the culprit, I don’t know. It did not have any significant regrowth effect, so may not even have begun to work).

My reluctance to go on minoxidil is this: it is marketed here (England) with the caveat that if it has not worked for one years then it is unlikely to work at all. Problem is, if I use it for one year and then stop then it may have disrupted my hair growth pattern, meaning that irreversible loss may occur. And besides, it made my hair look crap. Couldn’t do a thing with it.

So, really, my choice is between Revivogen and Tricomin. I think that these only need to be used once per day so I could use them at night and have a decent hairstyle. My questions are thus:

1. Which is the most effective?
2. If these work by inhibiting DHT, does the amount of 5-alpha reductase increase along with the number of DHT receptors so that, over a long period of time, hair loss goes back to its pre-treatment rate and you need to keep using the product just to keep the rate at this level

Any comments would be greatly appreciated. God, I never thought I would be worrying about this 10 years ago!


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smacker said:
worse over the last year (I started minoxidil 5% for 4 months last year and came off it. Whether this is the culprit, I don’t know. It did not have any significant regrowth effect, so may not even have begun to work).

4 months isn't long enough to know anything let alone get "significant" growth, imo. 6 months is the bare minimum you should use to gauge progress.

My reluctance to go on minoxidil is this: it is marketed here (England) with the caveat that if it has not worked for one years then it is unlikely to work at all. Problem is, if I use it for one year and then stop then it may have disrupted my hair growth pattern, meaning that irreversible loss may occur. And besides, it made my hair look crap. Couldn’t do a thing with it.

As the story goes, if you stop minoxidil, you only loose hair that minoxidil helped you keep. The above statement could apply to just about any hair treatment you choose, seriously.

My suggestion is to get on Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar). finasteride will help you maintain what you have and, hopefully, thicken it some. I, also, suggest visiting and ordering Dr. Lee's specially formulated Minoxidil 5% (Item #500) as it's less greasy and will dry in about 20-30 minutes for most people. Use Dr. Lee's Min in the morning and regular Min at night when it doesn't matter what your hair looks like.

So finasteride & Min.. stick to it for a minimum of 6 months, religiously. Take before and after pics, too!