right and left side of head


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is it possible that my propecia is working on my right side, but not on my left side, because everything is more bad on my left side of the head, have lost much more there, and the hair is easy to pull out there, but not on the right side, strange....
and if this is the situasion, can i expect it to work all over my head overtime ???


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Andy, it is not uncommon for propecia, hair loss treatments, or male pattern baldness in general, to be unsymetrical. Don't sweat it. Just be consistent with your treatments, give it time (atleast a year) and don't look back. You will be happy you did my friend.


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ok.have been on it for almost six months now, but does it usually begin to work everywear when it's working somewhere on the scalp (hope u understand me, my english isn't very good ) :)


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Generally, it will work better and earlier towards the back of the head, the vertex area. The frontal area of the scalp will take the longest to acheive results, so no you might not notice results in the entire area of the scalp when you experience your 1st results. Does that make sense?

Nixon's Head

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I am going bald on the right hand side almost exclusivly. I saw some pictures of my father when he was my age and he was totally bald on the right hand side--in the same areas that I am thining. I think that I am just more genetically vulnerable on my right hand side than on my left. On my left hand side my hair grew back with almost no effort and in like 2 1/2 months on minoxidil. On my right hand side It has only grown back but sparcely with alot more months with finasteride and minoxidil. Now ive started a more robust regimine focusing mostly on the right hand side.


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during the first 7 months of my treatment. my left side seemed to be going to hell. but sure enough as the one year mark nears the right and left side are evening out. my left side is getting much much better. they will balance out i promise. stick with it.