Right-handed Homosexual Men Being At An Increased Risk To Develop Side Effects From finasteride


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right-handed homosexual men being at an increased risk

Physiologically, recent imagistic studies have shown that male sexual pheromones act on the left hemibrain of homosexual men
(left angular gyrus, left caudate nucleus, left amygdala, etc.), while the female sexual pheromones act on the right hemibrain of
heterosexual men (right hippocampus, right parahippocampal gyrus, right amygdala, etc.) (6–9). In contrast, sexual hormones
might be related not only to sexual orientation (see bicalutamide) but also to the lateralized process of hand preference (see finasteride and tamoxifen). Thus, the lateralized process of sexuality (related to pheromones) and the lateralized process of hand preference (related to hormones) could be physiologically interconnected within the brain.

We predict that a very specific subgroup of men (right-handed, homosexual men, for example) might exhibit an increased frequency
and magnitude for finasteride side effects

We have already performed a study in this regard (s3, s4) that confirmed the previous expectation regarding hand preference (2),
but the number of homosexual participants in our sample was too small. [6] Thus, we believe a larger study including many participants, a significant number of whom are homosexual men should
help clarify (inter) relationships among sexual orientation, hand preference and finasteride adverse effects.

same goes for people with a high 2d4d ratio




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@Ikarus Lol at you trying to paint people who had side effects as "cult members" when you are perfectly fine being chemically castrated to save your hair. Just lol.

The proof is in the pudding; since you had side effects, you must be a right-handed homosexual!!!!!

And honestly, after @Alekzander, @IamBro and his other two accounts have attacked us, it just gives anti-finasteride cult members even a worse name lmao...


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but there are studies out there that says low 2d4d are more likely to be homosexuals and you often hear ppl getting sides like shed etc which seems to happen from most who take finasteride.

be interesting if we do a survey on here...what your sexual orientation is and did you get sides from finasteride.


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but there are studies out there that says low 2d4d are more likely to be homosexuals and you often hear ppl getting sides like shed etc which seems to happen from most who take finasteride.

be interesting if we do a survey on here...what your sexual orientation is and did you get sides from finasteride.


High digit ratio:
  • Homosexuality for men, according to some studies.[117][125][129] Other studies have disputed this; some have shown that the digit ratio in homosexual men is similar to,[44][122][123][124][130] or lower than,[119][114][121][126] that of heterosexual men. One study concluded that differences are dependent on geographical variation, with gay men having lower or similar ratios to straight men in Europe, but higher or similar in the United States.[131] But this finding has been questioned in a meta-analysis including 18 studies, which suggested that ethnicity, rather than geography, explained the differences previously found in men of different sexual orientations. The meta-analysis concluded that no significant sexual orientation differences in digit ratio exist in men.[124]
  • A study in Germany has found a correlation between digit ratio and male-to-female transgenderism. Trans women were found to have a higher digit ratio than males. This was not true for trans men, however, who were within the average range for biological females


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High digit ratio:
  • Homosexuality for men, according to some studies.[117][125][129] Other studies have disputed this; some have shown that the digit ratio in homosexual men is similar to,[44][122][123][124][130] or lower than,[119][114][121][126] that of heterosexual men. One study concluded that differences are dependent on geographical variation, with gay men having lower or similar ratios to straight men in Europe, but higher or similar in the United States.[131] But this finding has been questioned in a meta-analysis including 18 studies, which suggested that ethnicity, rather than geography, explained the differences previously found in men of different sexual orientations. The meta-analysis concluded that no significant sexual orientation differences in digit ratio exist in men.[124]
  • A study in Germany has found a correlation between digit ratio and male-to-female transgenderism. Trans women were found to have a higher digit ratio than males. This was not true for trans men, however, who were within the average range for biological females
Did you read what you posted...what I stated is true.


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the results regarding 2d4d ratio and homosexuality are mixed.

"High digit ratio: Homosexuality for men, according to some studies.[117][125][129]"


"Other studies have disputed this; some have shown that the digit ratio in homosexual men is similar to,[44][122][123][124][130] or lower than,[119][114][121][126] that of heterosexual men"
I said "there are studies out there that says low 2d4d are more likely to be homosexuals" which correlates to what you posted.