Right time of Hair Transplantation? 25yrs old , hair transplant in U.S.


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Hello guys!
Well, actually I'm planning a Hair Transplantation for the next month. I'm doing my research at the moment.

I'm 25 years old. My hair first starts falling out with 19 years in the temples. The crown has not been affected so far. I'm not on Finasteride or Rogaine.

What I actually wanna have is a natural front.

Attached 2 pics of my current status! What do you guys think, how much grafts do I need? Is the donor okay for certain addidional transplantations in future?



  • Picture 1.tiff
    576.3 KB · Views: 751
  • The back of the scalp.tiff
    433.2 KB · Views: 725


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If you're not on any hairloss medication, then getting a hair transplant would be a 100% waste of your money. You'll put some live hair on your hairline....but the rest of your hairloss will progress backwards, and then you'll be left with a hairline......and that's it. Waste of money.

Get on finasteride (propecia) and see if you can stabilize your hairloss first, THEN think about a hair transplant.

If you still want to forgo the finasteride and get a hair transplant...can you just give me the money instead? I can find something much better to spend it on :)


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Thanks for your advice, I know propecia is the Most effective drug
at the moment And I have never tried it out, but I would probably
get side effects of that, because I would make this drug responsible
for everything, it is stupid but the truth.
So how much people doing a hair transplant just to skip propecia?


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I defo know what you mean and I would agree with
you. So basically I'd like to have a short hair cut
approximately 5mm to 1.5 cm. So a cut which you can
easily shave by your own. Nothing more.

I would implant as much grafts as possible in the front and the
middle part. My dad and his dad are both NW3 And my Mum's dad

There are probably a lot of people in the outside world
and have no bad side effects from finasteride, defo the majority, a Lot of
them are probably no members of Communities like this
one. So they so do not share their experiences. But I'll not Take the risk.

So if you don't mind, what number of grafts would you recommend?
In terms of if I would have been taken finasteride so far?


You lost all your front, I think it's too late for the meds,


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Yes dude, that's the reason I wanna take a hair transplant as soon
as possible. So I acually search for a Good FUE Doctor worldwide.

Cheers, Marcel