This looks promising. If I can get my hair back and never get roped into fatherhood my life would be perfect. Seriously though, seeing things like this gives me hope because they come out of nowhere and this is already stage 3. In the last six months it seems like research has skyrocketed and most imortantly there seems to be competition on who can get there first. It wont be tomorrow but i believe it will pop up sooner than you think. I apreciate what these guys do.
Depending on how old you are and where you are in life this could be perfect for some.
Infertile doesn't mean no erections. It does mean that your gfs wouldn't have to be on birth control hormones that screws them up.
I don't see any hormones here that we would be damaging ourselves with.
Would the hair loss resume after the 10 years? Has anyone gone the 10 years to make sure they become fertile again?
It might be a little more inspiring to see this on a CNN or BBC website...why wouldn't it gain traction with the mainstream media?
The basic outline is as follows: man goes to doctor. Doctor performs a tiny surgical procedure similar to a vasectomy, which about 500,000 American men get every year, except that rather than severing the vas deferens, an injected goo turns those tubes into a sort of sperm In-Sink-erator, and none (that is, 0%) of those suckers come through viable. Fifteen minutes and a bandaid later, man can't knock anyone up for 10 years, or until he decides he wants to, at which point another quick injection flushes out the sperm-addling substance, and man is just as capable of fatherhood as he ever was. These, at least, are the claims of the Indian lab, which has been running human tests since 1989 and reports no adverse effects, and lots of positive ones in the form of babies that don't exist.
Yeah can you imagine how long this will be trials? Bold claims and like the above people said I will believe it when I see. Science has a long history of over hyping and under delivering on anything related to health type stuff like this. I personally wouldnt touch this stuff until many years after other guinea pigs er I mean people use this to see what it actually does