Ritalin and hairloss??


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I am an adult and was recently prescribed ritalin for ADHD, I am in the hair battle of my life and heard this crap can cause hair loss. If this is the case I will drop it like a bad habit. Awhile back someone posted medications that cause hairloss and the drug Methylphenidate was on the list.

Is this not a big deal or should I be worried??


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OMG dude...forget about hairloss..thats all secondary but get off the ritalin ASAp...ADHD is fuking BS..i got diagnosed at 19 n going on ritalin for 6 months was the most fuke d up thing i ever did...it turned me into a fuking zombie....

email me if u wanna get in touch


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Its ok guy, I'm 36 years old and drive everyone around me crazy... I need some type of help. Ritalin was probably prescribed for you in to large a dose. For me it helps me focus and controls my lude and childish behavior. It has also given me lazer sharp focus.

I am sure most members here know someone that is way to hyper or always saying and doing the wrong things at the wrong times. We all know those people need help.


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I was on ritalin for the same reasons, Redbone. I took it from like age 16-17, and it seemed to help me maintain focus when I was in school. The problem was it seemed to give me some strange sensation in my heart, some kind of altered pulse rate. For this reason, I had to get off, so doctors recommended Welbutrin. I found that worked at least as well for me. Maybe you could try that if you feel that ritalin causes your hairloss to get worse.
Here's the interesting part. After age 19, I was able to check off of all medication and maintain my focus quite well. I thought maybe the attention problems were just part of growing up, but more research on the topic and conversations with doctors lead me to realize that this was not the case.
ADD and ADHD are caused by misfiring of neurons in your brain, and the medications I mentioned correct this problem. While on medication the neurons fire properly, and everything is in proper working order. Over time, and this will differ from person to person (or in some people, never even occur), the brain can *learn* how to make the neurons fire properly, just as they do on medication. I suspect that this is what happened in my case, as I went on to become a straight A student in college and graduate school *without* medication.
The main thing to remember is that you need to be on medication for a long period of time (at least a couple of yrs I'd guess) to experience this effect.
Try out the welbutrin if you're worried. It might work just as well for you.
Good luck.


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I should also mention that I took only a half dose of Wellbutrin (1 pill per day) because two pills per day seemed to make me edgy or paranoid. One pill gave me no negative effects at all.
I should also mention, I seem to be highly sensitive to medication.


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Thanks Yardbird I am currently on a 150mg dose of Wellbutrin SR along with the 20mg of Ritalin a day. The Wellbutrin was originally precscribed for ADD and it seems to work well but being a high strung hot headed Italian it made me super aggressive and easily adgitated, to the point of almost being violent, it also kind of made me anxious and hyper.

I am trying to back of the Wellbutrin its a shame because it really did make me calm at times and adjusted my overall focus.

Thanks for the suggestions Bird. :lol:


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No prob. Best of luck, Red. I guess just try to monitor your hair carefully, and if you feel Ritalin's hurting you, you can just decide from there.