Rog not working, Should I go to finasteride?????


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I'm 28 and started noticing some thinning in the front about 2 years ago. Nothing too bad, I've still got a full head of hair but I'm definitely seeing some thinning behind the hairline by the widows peak. In October 2003 I started with Rog 5%, Nizoral shampoo 3X./week, and some vitamin-E. While this may have slowed the rate of loss down a little (that may just be hope talking) I think it's time to go nuclear and give Finasteride a try.
I can't say I'm too thrilled with going pill but sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do. I've come to this site several times over the last 2 years for advice and you guys have always been extremely insightful, thanks for that. I have a couple of questions before going to finasteride.

As a youth I had really bad acne and ended up on Anti-Biotics/pills of one form or another for a good 8 years. A round of Accutane seemed to finally do the trick. After taking all that medication I'm a little worried that going on finasteride may do damage to my liver. I've never seen anything stating that taking finasteride is hard on the liver but wanted to double check. My Dr. has previously stated that he'd give me a prescription for Propecia if I wanted it but I don't think he's too up on hair loss (aside from being completely bald)

I'm moving to Europe in a few months. I'd hate to start off on Propecia only to have to stop or change medication once I move. Does anyone know of anywhere safe/secure/reliable to get finasteride online?

Thanks again for all your help guys, hopefully I'll; be able to nip this in the bud.


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You could give finasteride a try but don't stop the minoxidil and the nizoral :)


Senior Member
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Yep definately do not stop the min or nizoral.

Proscar will not mess up your Liver so relax on that one... Don't know where your from country wise so i will suggest doing a search on the internet for proscar/propecia... There will be no reason to stop and start treatment. Propecia is the best drug for hairloss although beware that after a few months you may shed more than usual, don't panic this is normal for most and is taken as a good sign.

Any questions feel free to ask.



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As long as you are in the EU or CH (Switzerland), you will be fine. I live in Germany and you can get Proscar from any pharmacy. The going rate is about 140 EUR for 100 Proscar tablets - cut those babies up into quarters and you got a 13 month supply. Not a bad deal really.