Rogaine 5% causing some minor Blurred Vision


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I'm almost sure Rogaine 5% has caused me some farsight blurred vision minor side effects.

Considering that's nothing really harmful, should I:

- Keep using it, because it's temporary, and it will not damage my permanent vision

- Change to Rogaine 2%

-Change to Rogaine Foam

- Quit using it (considering it's being somewhat effective in mantain/regrowth)

Don't know if it helps but I just noticed this effect since I apply it in the temples/front (would it be related to the eyes by proximity?)...

Thanks a lot for your answer,

websurfer, Male, 21

PS: For those who can't give a scientific approach, what I am asking is if anyone experiecend this before but it just has disappeared a few/weeks/months later, being temporary...