Rogaine 5% (Minoxidil) --- No Good for frontal hair?


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I am a new user here. I'm 24 years old, I began to loose my air about 2 years ago but you would almost be unable to notify it, if I arrange them correctly. I miss some on frontal hairs (much more thinner) and also my temples are getting thinner and like "going backward"


in order to improve this (or at least stop it) I began a regimen with 5% minoxidil and I shampoo with Revivogen in rotation with Nizoral (2 times a week..). But I heard minoxidil will not change anything for my frontal hair? What are your impressions (Experiments) on this?


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Essentially, Upjohn cannot make official statements about regrowth on the hairline because they never really tested it there.

Amongst the hair loss community, it is almost universally accepted that if you are a responder to minoxidil, you may see results on your hairline.

Bottom line: it can regrow the hairline. But it's not as effective at regrowth as it is on the crown.

The Gardener

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I have some miminal, but cosmetically good regrowth on my temples. Extensive thickening of existing above forehead hair that was previously thinning.


I started my minoxidil in the middle of a period of severe recession, was looking like my entire center forehead area was gonna go. minoxidil reversed that.


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thank you very much for that fast reply :)

And what about Revivogen? Is it useful ? I'm asking you this question because it cost a lot more than any other average shampoos and I'm not gonna see results in the next month. I want to know if it's a great idea to use in on a long basis, will I get long term results if I use it?

From comments I have read on most website, this shampoo seems to be a great addition, what are your thoughts on it?


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What I never understood about that study is that they spent all that loot to go Phase III, why didn't they do the front hairline too? It would've helped sell more Rogaine.

The Gardener

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Temples, in the course of the research I did right after deciding to combat my hairloss I came across that topic. I forget the source of this, but I distinctly remember this topic being addressed.

From what I remember, the reason why they didn't include frontal hairloss in their study is because they already knew that although minoxidil works on the frontal areas, it does not work as overwhelmingly well as it does on the crown.

Since they quote minoxidil's success in terms of percentages of people who use it and get results, they only formally evaluated it on the area of the scalp where they knew they would get the highest percentage of good results. They thought that being able to quote a high percentage of success would make for easier marketing.


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I've had pretty decent results up front I would say, has thincked up the sides and i'm see loads of tiny hairs sprouting at the front for sure.