So here is the deal....I have been on Rogaine for over 2 years now. Since the foam has come out I have been placing it in the cap, metling it in hot water and then applying it as liquid (I prefer this method and the foam prevents me from getting flakes which i started to get on the old liquid). For the past year I have been loosing a tonne of hairs in the shower. I literally have to take them out daily from the shower drain since it clogs up after every shower.
2 Nights ago I brought a girl back to my place and skipped my nightime application. The next morning I lost 0 hairs in the shower! Not a single one!! I was applying my shampoo and conditioner as aggressively as possible and still not a single hair on my hands. This has not happened for me in years! Could the skipping of the application somehow have been beneficial to me? I am as confused as can be about this.....
2 Nights ago I brought a girl back to my place and skipped my nightime application. The next morning I lost 0 hairs in the shower! Not a single one!! I was applying my shampoo and conditioner as aggressively as possible and still not a single hair on my hands. This has not happened for me in years! Could the skipping of the application somehow have been beneficial to me? I am as confused as can be about this.....