Rogaine Foam and my hairline (with pics)


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Here's my story with Rogaine. I started noticing my hairline starting to retreat about 5 years ago. I ignored it for a bit, but evidently decided to start using Rogaine Foam. I've used it religiously at least once a day for the last 5ish years. Just this week (while taking hairline pics) I noticed something very strange that I'm wondering might be related. Let me describe how I apply the Rogaine and see if you guys get the picture

I dispense the foam about and inch along the groove between my right pointer and middle finger. I then apply it to my left temple, repeat the inch of foam and apply it to my right temple. I do one more inch strip and then apply it to the forehead (forelock?). The way I apply is goes like this...I press it up into my hair, and then I continue up with the heel of my hand to make sure that there's residue left. Therefore the right side of my forelock gets more foam than the rest.

So, this week I noticed that the RIGHT side of my forelock is MUCH thinner than the left.
(I have my hair up, and it's usually not, which is why I haven't ever really noticed this before)

Here's a straight on close view

And a wider view

You can literally see a LINE of where my hair starts to thin up front. And that side of my hairline (like I described) is the part where the heel of my hand presses into my forehead when I apply the foam.

1: Am I crazy, or could the foam somehow be causing this?
2: Should I stop the foam?

I've been on finasteride for almost 3 years, and it's almost stopped the loss on the crown, but the hairline is still slowly falling out. Do you think, since I've been using it for 5 years, the hairline would shed all the way out if I stopped using the foam?


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As someone who has noticed a bit of density loss after using foam, the widely held belief is that this is evidence that the medicine is working. The hairs that are falling out are going to fall out anyway, and newer, stronger, thicker hair is going to replace it. That's the theory, anyway. One of the possible side effects of minoxidil is, ironically, hair loss, and it even says that there is no guarantee that hair will grow back in its place.

Still, overall, this is a common occurrence with minoxidil. I would stay on it a while longer to see how it plays out.


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Normally I would agree with you...but did you read the part where I've been using foam for about 5 years already? :)


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Rawtashk said:
Normally I would agree with you...but did you read the part where I've been using foam for about 5 years already? :)

Yep, I missed that part. Sorry, very long day.

Did you see any regrowth at all while using minoxidil when you first started? You are not supposed to keep taking the medication if you don't see results within a year. If you saw results at first, and then noticed your hair starting to fall out again, my guess is that the finasteride is losing its effectiveness. Many think that finasteride only works for about 2 years or so. I never understood that statement, but that's what I've seen.
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Think I'm having similar results, although I haven't been on it as long as you have. I've been on rogaine foam for over 6 months now. I've only been using it on the hairline/temples because that is my problem area; I'm still a NW2 at this point.

I never really had what I could consider an initial shed phase. Prior to using rogaine, when I would style my hair in the front, I would have 0 hair fall out ever. So over time, I started noticing 5 or 6 in the morning, then 5 or 6 again at night falling out when I'm styling or applying the foam and now that is an every day occurrence. As far as I can tell, I've had 0 regrowth, I wasn't losing hair on a daily basis when I started, and now I am. I realize that minoxidil is not as effective on the hairline, but I can definitely say that my hair looks worse now than when I started. Maybe I'm in the percentage for whom rogaine just doesn't work.

So I have the same dilemma of whether or not to discontinue it. I don't stop because I keep hoping that eventually it will grow back in, but past a certain point, I don't know.


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My Regimen
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I have also been using foam for like 4 years now without much results. I don't think it has sped up my balding since I have my twin brother whom I can compare my situation with. He hasn't used any kind of hairloss meds and he's about as bald as me. So my guess is that minoxidil foam just hasn't done anything, not good or bad. I'm just scared to drop it because I'm afraid of hairloss but I think I'll quit it once I run out the next time. And I've only used it once a day anyways and very sparingly, so... once I run out of foam I'll try with finasteride only, I got nothing to lose since I'm pretty much bald as it is.


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Rogaine foam once a day won't give you much results. You could up to 2 times a day, 2 ml and see what happens. I'd do that if I were you before I'd drop the foam/minoxidil alltogether.


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Bukowski said:
Rogaine foam once a day won't give you much results. You could up to 2 times a day, 2 ml and see what happens. I'd do that if I were you before I'd drop the foam/minoxidil alltogether.

Yeah, not really sure why you would use a medication for four years if it wasn't working, especially if you weren't even going to follow the directions...


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It seems that (one again) someone's simply skimmed my post and not actually read it or offered constructive advice.

1: "At least once a day" does not mean "I just applied it once a day" It means "AT LEAST once".

2: "So, this week I noticed that the RIGHT side of my forelock is MUCH thinner than the left. (I have my hair up, and it's usually not, which is why I haven't ever really noticed this before)" You could probably glean from that statement that I hadn't noticed it up until now....because it would be pretty retarded to keep doing something that didn't work for 4 years...


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lol Rawtashk, they were talking to ghg there, not you.

You need to think about if, on the whole, your hair has improved over the 5 years or not. It's as simple as 'do I think my hair is better using Rogaine than if I hadn't used it'. If not, then stop using it. Otherwise, even if you think it might have thinned one temple but it's better on the whole you're doing the best you can, right?

If you don't have photos to compare from previous years, start taking them now and keep an eye on it.

From looking at your photos you are very lucky to have such crazy thick hair that you can wear 'down' to begin with. Also can't really see this 'line' you're talking about tbh, there's so much hair in the way :)

Many people (including myself) report having one side of their hairline which is much better than the other, there was a thread about this in general discussion recently. I think it'd be hard to pin down Rogaine as a culprit for thinning out one side.


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I'm in the same boat as you my friend, looks almost weird having one side of your forehead thinner than the other. I cover it up pretty well though.
I also use Rogaine foam - at least once a day.
Now get this, most days I was using it only once and sometimes during finals/midterms I would just not even think about it.
I've changed it up the last couple weeks and am doing it religiously 2x's a day and will keep you posted on results. I've also ordered the liquid to apply before I go to bed. I hated the liquid – it smelt and made my hair look greasy. I still think if used correctly foam is the way to go – I make sure just to shake it well, shoot it directly on the scalp and probably put 2x’s the recommended amount on and rub it into the scalp *since using Nizoral and using Foam 2x’s a day, when I apply the foam there is no longer shedding*