Rogaine Foam Initial Shed


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I am 22, with some thinning hair in the back of my head and Ive been on rogaine foam for 3.5 weeks now, and nizoral 1% and have been shedding like crazy, Im afraid to touch my hair and see how many I come up with on my hand.
Well rogaine says that if the shedding lasts past 2-4 weeks to stop use (I am aware that I was not quite at the 4 week mark but it was close enough). So mostly out of panick and frustration I decided to stop use, and just accept baldness as inevitable. As of now, Ive only missed 2 doses (last night and this morning) and I started to read farther into the rogaine shedding period.
Ive decided to start it up again and will start to use TOPPIK to help conceal my thinning.

How long can I really expect the shedding continue?

How much is missing 2 doses going to affect my progress?

Is Toppik all its cracked up to be?

It also seems like the shedding is from all over my head, front and sides included, not just where the rogaine is applied. Is this normal or just my imagination?

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.


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yikes. I haven't started rogaine foam yet and this kind of post makes me NOT want to start. @#$@#$@#%@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I've also recently started Rogain foam, on it for 5 weeks or so.

I can say I've thinned out quite well also on the front, but no real biggy :). I must say I'm on Nizoral 1% too.

About missing 2 applications, don't worry, will be no problem. Don't try to make up for them either, it's just burning money then ;). And about the shedding, yes, can happen all over the head.

Good luck on your way, I haven't noticed any regrowth/thickening yet.. But didnt expect to have that in one month either, lol :p