I was using Propecia and it was working well for me, but I couldn't get used to the side effects. You can read my story here:
http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discussions ... 890#292890
My current regimen is in my sig, but it mostly consists of using Saw Palmetto and Beta-Sistorel. It's slowed my hair loss down, but regrowth hasn't happened.
I've been thinking of using Rogaine foam.
1. Is there any problem with using the Rogaine foam without a DHT blocker like Propecia or Duasteride? I have read that Rogaine merely grows new, thin hair follicles. If I just use this, won't the rest of my "normal" hair simply fall out if I don't find some way to block enough of the DHT?
2. Is there any proof that any of the topical solutions block DHT and thus proof that they help to either regrow or maintain hair?
Back in the day my dad used Rogaine to prevent further hair loss, but from what I can tell, it doesn't prevent further hair loss but actually just promotes growth of new hair follicles that may or may not be as thick as your old hair follicles. Am I right or have I missed something.
Much, much thanks to anyone who takes time out of their day to help me sort this out.
http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discussions ... 890#292890
My current regimen is in my sig, but it mostly consists of using Saw Palmetto and Beta-Sistorel. It's slowed my hair loss down, but regrowth hasn't happened.
I've been thinking of using Rogaine foam.
1. Is there any problem with using the Rogaine foam without a DHT blocker like Propecia or Duasteride? I have read that Rogaine merely grows new, thin hair follicles. If I just use this, won't the rest of my "normal" hair simply fall out if I don't find some way to block enough of the DHT?
2. Is there any proof that any of the topical solutions block DHT and thus proof that they help to either regrow or maintain hair?
Back in the day my dad used Rogaine to prevent further hair loss, but from what I can tell, it doesn't prevent further hair loss but actually just promotes growth of new hair follicles that may or may not be as thick as your old hair follicles. Am I right or have I missed something.
Much, much thanks to anyone who takes time out of their day to help me sort this out.