Rogaine Foam


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Started using the Foam (and proscar). From what i hear i am glad i never experienced the drawbacks of the liquid. The foam is good to style your hair and it is probably better to have a haircut that suits that foam/gel look. I put in some paste aferwards and am quite happy.

Do you know though if it is preferably to wait until your hair completely dries afer a shower to apply the foam or does it matter?

From what I have learned on this forum i will use the Foam twice a day, proscar (quaters) a day and just forget about my hair for about 2 years. Loved the quote from one poster in realation to proscar when he said its like investing in a gotta look on the long term and ignore daily changes. And I take fish oil, multivitamins and will start drinking more green tea. And i have learned all this from 2 weeks of looking on this forum.

I have a receding hairline but if it stops to what it is right now i'll be happy.

Thanks guys. Great forum, lots of information to read up on and the fact that the forum is not heavily moderatered means that for someone who like me is a newbie can see 'new' questions been asked which for some are old. Beats searching for answers when you didn't even know the question. (if that makes sense)

Happy new year.