Rogaine Once A Day Results!


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after two months of using rogaine once a day i have noticed some pleasing results.i have used rogaine in the past twice a day and i do not see a difference at the two months mark.Once a day works jut as well for me


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IF you get results from just once a day applications then wouldnt it be logical that you could get double that benefit from twice a day applications? Twice a day is a pain in the *** and Ive thought about once a day applications, but im quite happy with my current gains, so i dont want to jepordize that by reducing my dosage of minoxidil.


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rogain once a day on a wet scalp is more then enough. they market it for twice a day so you go through the bottle quicker. proctor has said in the past that once a day application gave same results as twice. there was even a study i read where they compared results to once and twice and and their was no statistical difference. Just apply the foam after a night shower will be so much easier to get to scalp and on a damp scalp tropicals absorb much easier as well. Minoxidil stays in the follicle for 22 hours so think about it if your applying twice a day your follicle will not be able to take it in because its overloaded with it already. More is sometimes less a lot of people like to use a ton of minoxidil thinking it will work better but the truth is once a day is same as 5 times a day. as long as that one time a day you do it you get good absorption and penetrate the scalp real well your fine, also once a day is much much easier to maintain doing for a while, after a while doing it twice a day you give up.


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metalheaddude said:
IF you get results from just once a day applications then wouldnt it be logical that you could get double that benefit from twice a day applications?

That's not logical at all seeing that 5% minoxidil has 2.5 times more of the drug than 2% and isn't even twice as effective.


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No bullshit guys,Dont knock it till you try it.Minoxidil once a day has already given me results in two months that are extremely similar to when i used it twice a day.I really am starting to think that twice a day use has no extra benefit.For all the guys who got ody hir from minoxidil ,maybe once daily use will reduce side effects aswell.


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metalheaddude said:
IF you get results from just once a day applications then wouldnt it be logical that you could get double that benefit from twice a day applications? Twice a day is a pain in the *** and Ive thought about once a day applications, but im quite happy with my current gains, so i dont want to jepordize that by reducing my dosage of minoxidil.

no, it is not linear like that. And 2% minoxidil regrows 2/3 as much hair as 5% minoxidil. More minoxidil regrows more, but the first mL regrows the most per mL.


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Toyboy said:
after two months of using rogaine once a day i have noticed some pleasing results.i have used rogaine in the past twice a day and i do not see a difference at the two months mark.Once a day works jut as well for me

Nice to know. I try using Foam twice a day, but I'm tempted to save money and go once a day. I figure if I use it right after a shower, I get more absorption, and can get away with once a day.

As for my vertex, I'm using minoxidil liquid to regrow some hair fast, until Dutasteride has time to regrow some. And then in a year from now, I'm quiting, and letting all the minoxidil hair fall out. As long as the dutasteride grows enough, I should have plenty of hair left over. I just don't like being thin for now, and I know I'm an excellent minoxidil responder.


if you put on after a shower is it better if scalp is wet? or should you completely dry your scalp then apply?


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i dry my hair very well then blow dry it.i dont want more side effects from more absorbtion.


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hairgrowthformula said:
if you put on after a shower is it better if scalp is wet? or should you completely dry your scalp then apply?

For max absorption, towel dry to remove standing water, but not enough to pull any water out of the scalp. So blow drying would reduce absorption.

If you are going to spend the money, or put a mess in your hair, you better get the most out of it, unless you get side effects.


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Damn,i forgot to mention.Im using the cheap as sh*t kirkland minoxidil and am using 1ml only once a day on a blow dryed scalp.I also use 4ml of revivogen three times weekly for maintenance as recommended by the company after 1 year of use.After a year of using minoxidil once daily i will swith to every other day so i will be putting revivogen at night one day followed by minoxidil at night the next, and so on.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
metalheaddude said:
IF you get results from just once a day applications then wouldnt it be logical that you could get double that benefit from twice a day applications? Twice a day is a pain in the *** and Ive thought about once a day applications, but im quite happy with my current gains, so i dont want to jepordize that by reducing my dosage of minoxidil.

no, it is not linear like that. And 2% minoxidil regrows 2/3 as much hair as 5% minoxidil. More minoxidil regrows more, but the first mL regrows the most per mL.

the marginal return deminishes greatly after a certain point.

More is better simply wont apply to this case.

I do once a day and its doing its job.


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Ive uped my dose to 1.5 ml once a day to cover my scalp.Does anyone think i would get any side effects from this dose? its still under 2ml daily.


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I don't think so. Many diffuse thinners use more than 1 ml to cover the scalp. I have used 2 ml at once in the past without problems.

Good luck.


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phish said:
rogain once a day on a wet scalp is more then enough. they market it for twice a day so you go through the bottle quicker. proctor has said in the past that once a day application gave same results as twice. there was even a study i read where they compared results to once and twice and and their was no statistical difference. Just apply the foam after a night shower will be so much easier to get to scalp and on a damp scalp tropicals absorb much easier as well. Minoxidil stays in the follicle for 22 hours so think about it if your applying twice a day your follicle will not be able to take it in because its overloaded with it already. More is sometimes less a lot of people like to use a ton of minoxidil thinking it will work better but the truth is once a day is same as 5 times a day. as long as that one time a day you do it you get good absorption and penetrate the scalp real well your fine, also once a day is much much easier to maintain doing for a while, after a while doing it twice a day you give up.

Phish, what you said about the length of minoxidil staying in the follicle really took my attention. I'm suspecting that I'm getting the rapid heart beat side effect of rogaine ( viewtopic.php?f=42&t=44337 ), so maybe I could use once a day when I start again.
Could you please give the link of the site / attach the document that talks about the remaining time of minoxidil in follicle (the 22 hours thing)? I would be interested in reading the details...


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Ive hit the three month mark of once a day use.My hair is thicker but not thick enouth.I should give more time shouldnt i?


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Because of the way hair grows, you need to give any treatment at least a year before deciding if it works for you or not.