Rogaine Problem


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Hi all,
So here is my problem. I started using Finasteride and Rogaine foam in October '11. After about 4~5 months of using it, I started to see some good results on my temples and hairline. New hairs was growing. About 2 months ago, I noticed that the hair that was growing thanks to rograine was shedding :(.
Now, I've lost most of the re-growth that I had with rogaine foam. I take 1mg Finasteride everyday, and rogaine foam every night.
Do you know what could have happened? Also, would you recommend me to maybe change to liquid rogaine?
Thanks in advance!


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I think you should use rogaine foam morning and liquid at night, i solely based this on the succes i have seen from other people. Do you use the foam only at night?


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Yes. What I usually do is use Nizoral 3x per week and a shampoo called Nutri-Ox the other days. I take 1mg generic finasteride at night and apply rogaine foam at night. It was a slow regeneration, but I could see the re-growth progress in my temples and hairline (I could upload pictures if you want). I was trying to be as consistent as possible to not miss any day. But after a time, I sometimes forgot to apply the foam at nights. I'm saying I used to forget maybe 2, 3 at max, times per week.
But now, all the new hair is gone, and I'm almost back to the way I was before. I'm afraid to use liquid rogaine since I've read that changing product (i know is the same brand, but different minoxidil %) may lead to shedding and all those effects that come when you start the treatment. :(


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Seiya, can you post up some pictures please? You may be in a shedding phase right now, and your hair will grow back thicker and longer than ever!


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hair will re grow and shed in cycles for a while when starting minoxidil. it did for me anyway. maybe its also because we can become complacent applying the stuff when its working well.