rookie question about hair transplant


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hi, im 18 and am starting to lose my hair - id say im at an NW2, from an NW1 about 2 years ago. now im using nizoral and will be getting rogaine and finasteride once i get a job sorted out but im also looking into hair transplant for if things get very bad as i kind of feel defined by my hair - not to sound shallow but its a big part of how i see myself.
now anyway i was just wondering about how hair transplants work these days and how theyre looking to progress in the near future as i understand these technologies evolve quite a lot. is it true that to get a hair transplant you have to basically make yourself bald in another area - ie. to get hair in the front of your head youve gotta lose hair from the sides which will never come back?

sorry if this gets asked a lot im just a kid worrying a lot about his hair.


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hi, sorry about the double post but i was also just wondering, what's the big deal about not getting a hair transplant too young? surely if it recedes further back then you can just keep getting more hair transplants as it goes back?


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Your putting the cart before the horse. Wait and see if the finasteride stabilizes your hair, it might just grow more hair for you, and it should defiantly halt any loss. Another words if you respond good with the finasteride in the first year or two you might not need to even be thinking about a hair transplant for a long time if ever. Give the finasteride a year try at least and see.


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forget hair transplant for now and use regaine asap. it will help you at least retain it


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hairrific said:
Your putting the cart before the horse. Wait and see if the finasteride stabilizes your hair, it might just grow more hair for you, and it should defiantly halt any loss. Another words if you respond good with the finasteride in the first year or two you might not need to even be thinking about a hair transplant for a long time if ever. Give the finasteride a year try at least and see.


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finasteride created almost permanent problems to me. I would avoid it at any cost. Only regaine helped me


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Quick answer to your questions hair is taken from the back and sides (doner area) but it does'nt leave a bald patch its taken from the whole area is slightly thinned out instead, in most cases its unnoticible.
But theres only so much you can take so its important to stop/reduce the risk of losing more hair ontop.


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ohhh right i getcha. urmm thylax what are these almost permanent problems? ive always heard different things where i looked but generally a lot of people seem to say that Propecia / minoxidil cant make your hair worse, the worst theyll do is nothing at all?


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I have another basic question, maybe not rookie, but amateur level. I assume that hair transplant is not recommended to do in the early fase because you may end up with good hair up front, and bad behind it if the hairloss continues aggresively and you don't have enough hair on the sides and the back to transplant it anymore. But, what if somebody has naturaly very thick hair? Is it for him a lesser risk of doing hair transplant at NW2 and early 20's for example?


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your c*** is not that hard! simple as that. I would avoid Propecia at any cost


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thylax said:
finasteride created almost permanent problems to me. I would avoid it at any cost. Only regaine helped me

The market for v**** and Cealis is huge, so it seems all the erectile dysfunction that is going on is from something else other than finasteride.

So you can say with confidence that finasteride did that? How can you be sure it was finasteride and not something else or genetics even?

You should notify the FDA, they keep a data base on FDA approved medications to keep the public safe and to further study the effects of medications on the masses. All reports so far must have been found to be unsubstantiated because finasteride has been declared safe and with no permanent sides.