Rosemary And Peppermint Oil As Good As 2% minoxidil


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Anyone use these? There’s studies showing that they work just as good as weak minoxidil. I think long term it would actually have a huge benefit.


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I now use RM and caffeine with a base of mostly argan and some emu oil. Both oils are non-comedogenic. Emu oil is probably the most absorbent oil on earth, as it can penetrate on its own through all skin layers due to its molecular profile with relation to that of skin. Because it is also a great emulsifier it can most likely bring other compounds in the mix with it.

Unless you get undeniably great results from minoxidil, as a minority of people do, I would never use it. I think it's fairly easy to match its efficacy. If possible try to only use what you would eat; and all substances here are edible.

On its face I think this compares with minoxidil and exceeds it in some ways because there are DHT/ATP/circulatory/skin health aspects in this blend, as oppposed to mere circulatory benefits. Like with minoxidil, this is gonna be far more effective with a needling aspect along with it. If regrowth is ever achieved and loss is stabilized, then continue with everything as is and perhaps dial back on needling to once every 4-6 weeks.


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Actually rosemary on its own is better than 2%. 2% minoxidil increased hair count by 1.7% and rosemary increased hair by 5.5% in 6 months. Peppermint oil is effective too.


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I use rosemary oil a couple times a week mixed with almond oil. Not sure if it's doing much for regrowth, but it definately helps reduce the inflammed follicles/sore areas on my scalp almost instantly. I tried using it undiluted which isn't recommended, but I certainly noticed a vasodilating effect which makes me think it could help with hairgrowth.

Armando Jose

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I use rosemary oil a couple times a week mixed with almond oil. Not sure if it's doing much for regrowth, but it definately helps reduce the inflammed follicles/sore areas on my scalp almost instantly. I tried using it undiluted which isn't recommended, but I certainly noticed a vasodilating effect which makes me think it could help with hairgrowth.

Which chemotype are you using?


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lol? That’s not bunk? It still regrew hair just not a ton. That’s awesome for something natural with 0 side effects

Have you read the article? It makes the point that the change is within the margin of seasonal shedding, so you can't even know whether the difference is due to seasonal shedding stopping or some actual effect.