RU and Fluridil??


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Anyone taking or tried these? i am off finasteride due to sides and looking for something else as i see my hair getting thinner and thinner :dunno:


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fluridil is useful but quite weak overall. It won't stop male pattern baldness but slow it down and mostly reduce shedding. It won't prevent the miniturization of hair over time.
RU is far more effective than fluridil for a similar price, which is about $2 to $6 a day depending on your needs.
RU can replace finasteride or even dutasteride but Fluridil cannot unless your male pattern baldness is very mild or just starting.


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What is the official name for RU so i can look into it please, and does it have any sides? where can i buy (im in UK) also is it a topical treatment or oral? topicals are so inconvienient lol


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i only take RU, look at my profile. stopped finasteride long time ago due to sides.

There are other who have been using RU longer than me and still maintaing well, lookup bobsakamano on the HLH forum. He is using it for over 6 years.

With RU you adjust the power by varying the amount.
RU is not like finasteride where the results are more or less the same with 0.5mg, 1mg or 5 mg a day.

With RU, applying 50 to 200 mg will give you very different results, and be much better than finasteride at the highest amounts.


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for me RU worked better than finasteride. RU also worked better than dutasteride.
I did try some experiments at 400mg a day for a few weeks and then 200mg a day for a few months and hair was much thicker than on dutasteride.

I use now 80 mg which is the lowest amount for me to maintain.


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el_duterino said:
With RU, applying 50 to 200 mg will give you very different results, and be much better than finasteride at the highest amounts.

Did it give you lots of regrowth? Is it mostly good for maintaining, or does it regrow a lot like a stimulant would?

I handle finasteride just fine. I'm wondering if I should add RU58841 and maybe get more regrowth.

How much vehicle are you using for all this?


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depends what you mean by regrowth.
It won't increase the number of hair on your head.
but the existing hair will regain their normal thickness.


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el_duterino said:
depends what you mean by regrowth.
It won't increase the number of hair on your head.
but the existing hair will regain their normal thickness.

So it should be really good for diffuse people? My crown is thinning.


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no shedding. the same shaft of hair just got a bit thicker.

I never had sheds when starting finasteride or dutasteride either. I had sheds when those drugs stopped being sufficient and male pattern baldness became aggressive.


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I never noticed any sheds either, though my hair is short. I'm amazed how some people can count their hairs shed each day. I just vigorously rubbed my head right now, and not a single hair fell down. I showered 24 hours ago. None on my pillow either.


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El dutasteride, sorry I meant to say, whilst using Fluridil. Any shedding on the Fluridil from people who've had hair regrowth/strengthening from it?


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monty1978 said:
Why do you keep saying fluridil wont regrow hair. It did for me inside 3 months. I wonder whether it could be cos I used apple cidar vinager now and then which clears of dead skin well and allowed the fluridil to penetrate better.

Anyway I am on fluridil consistently again. I have shaved my head so all my thinning is obvious. I only apply RU to the temles so I can use less of it and I only mix it in the palm of my hand with pg and apply 12 hours after fluridil and not even every day.

There will be no lying in my photos if fluridil works again like it did! Gonna keep it buzzed to about 1cm

Im w/ you Monty..I actually think Fluridil may be as if not more effective than RU, at least for ME. I havent seen any improvment in uisng RU over fluridil.

They both stop further loss, reduce if not eliminate shedding, and possibly allow vellus hairs to strengthen and coarsen. Fluridl is a hell of lot easier to purchase and use and you know it's going to have the same chemical content every time you buy it.

just my 2 cents...


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Are you still using minoxidil? I need a growth stimulant and thinking about adding Prox-n, Prox, or Xandrox 5% to my RU/fluridil routine.

Im a little fearful of the storied "minoxidil shed" but I need something. Both fluridil and RU have shown the ability to stop loss in its tracks but a growth stimulant is the next thing Im looking to incorporate.


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monty1978 said:
No but I am gonna get some kirkland and apply that in the morning when I feel the fluridil has soaked fully in. Also I can't be bothered to make up ru all the time so I am gonna fininsh what I have by putting about 25mgs/2ml of minoxidil in the morning several minutes after a spray of tricomin which on occassion will be after my bath in which I will use nizoral followed by an apple cidar soak. If all that doesn't grow some hair then I don't know what will. :dunno:

I hear you on the mixing hassel. I may do the same thing since the Kirkland minoxidil vehicle is almost identical to the one used in the RU study. Enden pointed this out and as a means of simplicity I'll prolly just do that if I stay on RU.


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monty1978 said:
I'm not really planning on staying on ru per se. I just have about 4 or 5 grams left so I figured 25mgs in with the minoxidil each time should last me forever. Who cares if it doesn't work. I am more working with the fluridil and getting the best penetration of it that I can.

yea, Ive even thought about putting a super thin layer of emu oil in the worst areas (crow/widows peak) and then dumping a vial or 2 to help w/ absorption. There no water in Emu oil.

I think you are totally onto something about leaving it on the scalp uninterupted for as long as possible. In the Eucapil literature they prefer you to not wash your hair very often to let the active ingredient reside so to speak in the scalp skin and "build up" in the scalp tissue.


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monty1978 said:
Apparantly emu oil is occlusive if used prior to topicals. I read that the benefit of emu oil can be achieved by adding it after sing a topical

Regarding the build up of fluridil in the scalp tissue. I definately got a lot of regrowth when I was using fluridil alone back to back and not washing my hair very often. In fact I remember getting a fluff line across the front of my hair line where my juvenile hair line used to be and I was very excited.

Where my hair is very short now one ampule is sufficient to completly saturate my entire scalp with fluridil. I wonder whether I could use half and ampule twice daily. It's not essential to literally ever wet my head anymore now it is shaved. I may do an experiment for a month with just fluridil on my scalp and nothing else apart from once a week nizoral application.


yep an oclusive is something you put on last, usually a cream or oil based topical to help keep more liquid topicals from drying too quickly.

I would give the 1/2 ampule a shot, let me know how it goes....


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monty1978 said:
I've been thinking about this fluridil business and looked over my thread and it was definately the time I added minoxidil that I started shedding again. minoxidil had water in it so I am presuming this is why.

Anything containing water is no longer going on my head.

I'll keep you posted on results. dont think i'm gonna be able to use 1ml of fluridil each time. Doesnt' give me coverage over the whole norwood area! Gonna have to be once daily and ru with alchohol alternately each 24 hours.

So fluridil day 1, Ru day 2, fluridil day 3 and so on? Dont think that it too long between each apply?


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I've noticed some shorter/thicker hairs in the shower, I don't know if that's normal regrowth or 'new' hair regrowth, or not. Hmmmm.