RU experience and some questions


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been on RU for two weeks, 60ml minoxidil- to1.5 grams RU or 50 mg per 2 ml.

so far, still have scalp itch, and still have hair loss in the shower.

Question is, do I need to up the dose? I didn't experience any sides could this mean its not getting into my scalp? Does scalp itch mean its not working? and If i actually want some regrowth do i still use minoxidil twice a day?


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Hi mate,

im using 130mg of RU in 3.5ml mix of 13ml minoxidil/8ml of ethanol

i shed about 10-15 hairs in the shower and ive had really good thicknees increase all over my head. a couple of tips to use RU

1. make sure you rub the solution in hard all over take time to do this as u need to make sure the RU gets through the scalp dont let it sit on ure head as this is pointless. if after application you can feel little ru grains on your scalp this is ru waster so RUB away :)

2. keep your hair short as its much easier to apply the solution and less wastage onto your hair i use a grade 3 clipper and i find this helps.

3.give it time, im using kanes RU as i found OC ru not very good and after 2 months on kanes RU my hair is much better. my first OC batch was good but second was poor and didnt mix well... if your minoxidil solutoin is cloudy its not good as this means impurties/not mixed.

4. if your using just minoxidil as a vehicle i would add some ethanol to it as it increases absorbtion and helps penetrate the skin, i used just minoxidil for awhile but now with the ethanol mix into it i feel im doing alot better.

RU does work but dont expect your hair to just go BOOM nw1 give it a good 6 months but u need to apply it right i think alot of people dont which is why alot of people have problems

if u need anymore help mate just PM.

hope this helps


Established Member
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By now we all know that ru in the original delivery method was crap. It worked for about seven people. Look at rum.


Senior Member
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Do yourself a favor and use "empty" alcohol + PG.

Minoxidil is already suspended in the lotion they use and so might not work very well to dissolve RU.

If you cannot buy Everclear or 95% Spirits, then just buy Isopropyl alcohol sold in any drugstore.

Use about 2/3 of ethanol and 1/3 PG, rub it hard on your scalp and keep your hair short to improve the penetration rate.

Make a weekly mix to aim roughly 75mg Daily AVG, to avoid a possible degradation of RU in a lotion during long term storage.