RU & spironolactone, does anyone use this combo?


andrew lincoln

MPBtreatments RU58841 & shop spironolactone, does anyone use this combo?

So after years of being on propecia I have come to the conclusion that I have been experiencing side effects all along and have been in denial. The occasional nut ache I could brush off but, if I can be frank with you guys I haven't even looked at p**rn in a month, and before I was horny as hell. After doing some research online I am really getting concerned that this lack of libido could lead to more severe problems so I'm ready to finally look for alternatives, my only issue is that most alternative treatments require for you to mix them yourself and frankly I'm not interested in that. I can barely bake a cake, much less mix chemicals lol! So far the only ready made alternative treatments that I can find are spironolactone s5 from the shop, and ru premixed products from so I'm going to go ahead and try ordering both and see how it goes, please wish me luck and let me know if anyone else has tried this RU/spironolactone combo, so far I haven't seen anyone else on the same regimen.


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I don't know about all that, but I know I'd LOVE to get a anti dht topical in an oil formulation. Use that in the morn. And Minoxidil at night. Kill the dht. Make grow. Now if I can only get keto, spironolactone, RU or anyother anti dht item in an oil....