RU success story


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Hi guys..I have been following threads on this forum on and off for years, but have never commented.
But I feel obliged to post my success story because if it wasn’t for this forum it would never have come about.

I have been using finasteride and minoxidil for 8 years (never had any sides) and had 1st class results for the first 4 years on finasteride my hair thickened up all over, it was really quite amazing, then the effectiveness of it started to wear off.

I thought long and hard about using avodart, and about 2 years ago I finally gave it a go. I stayed on it for 11 months, and all it seemed to do was accelerate my hair loss, and I def noticed a lowering of my libdo. Im not one to jump to conclusions on these things but advodart just didn’t really do me any favors at all.

So 1 year ago I went back on finasteride, but this time I upped the dose to 2.5mg per day (half a procar) and added fluidi as well, iv been using both daily and seem to have recovered most of what I had lost from my failed avodart attempt (although im not anywhere near as in the same position as I was 2/4 years after propecia)

I researching RU on this forum for about a year before giving it a try. And in January of this year I order 10 grams from kane.
i used 150mg everyday ru in 4ml mix of isopropanol 60% PG 30% and dmi 5/10% for about 3 weeks

then went down to 100mg ru everyday since in the same 4ml mix of isopropanol 60% PG 30% and dmi 5/10%
I also moved down from 2.5mg finasteride to 1.25mg finasteride per day.. and i may every try and drop finasteride altogther in 2 or 3 months.
And the results have really been outstanding.. iv been on using this comb for 3 months and my hairloss has completely stopped.. I have thinkend up all my hair and im even getting some moderate regrowth around the temples (I think these are the hairs I lost when finasteride started to loss its effectiveness I haven’t regained all the hairs I lost after finasteride started to loss its effectiveness but any gains are still a success)

I just reordered 20grams of ru (this should last me a good 8 months if I continue to use 100mg per day)
I also am going to try and use everclear alchol as isopropanol seems to make my head itch.

Anyway I just hope I can continue to hold ground where I am at and I will be a very happy man.

Ps – if anyone comments on this thread or asks me a question please be patient for a reply, I am extremely busy with my work at the moment and im not often on these forums.. but I will reply whenim on and i I can.



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Before & After Pics?


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Yeah I'm curious about trying this but seriously, nobody seems to have any pictures?


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finfighter said:
That's true for the most part, the people who take hair loss pics, are the people who live on these forums, this guy obviously does not.

Thanks for sharing your story, have you had any side effects?

Someone "following threads on this forum on and off for years", would have learned by now the concept of burden of proof, and all that other jazz.

And the plug for kane looked kind of suspicious.

I'm not trying to knock this testimonial down, but to a lab there is a huge, *HUGE* $$$$ potential that can be made by spamming a 5,000+ visitors-a-day hair loss site.


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Who cares about proof. You read about other peoples experience, and make up your own mind. If you choose to ignore them, because they don't have any pictures to show off, well, it's your loss. You're desperate when you begin experimenting with research chemicals, and it's all about saving your hair - as safe and efficiently as possible, not to convince anyone else that it works. A lot of people aren't aware of RU58841, and you need to do a lot of research before using it as a treatment. We have three sources for RU58841, and all of us are open about them. It's a part of the game; it creates compentition, and improves service and quality.


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Also the broken English looks oddly "asian" and if you notice his one and only post in another thread, it looked disconnected from the conversion. What question was asked?

8th post viewtopic.php?f=23&t=63446&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10

Looks more like an anchor point for his "testimonial"

Also, there's this: "Ps – if anyone comments on this thread or asks me a question please be patient for a reply, I am extremely busy with my work at the moment and im not often on these forums.. but I will reply whenim on and i I can."

He's extremely busy - but - can write up a dedicated drive by "success story?"

I don't know, or maybe I should've been a prosecutor.


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finfighter said:
Rogazzle said:
Also the broken English looks oddly "asian" and if you notice his one and only post in another thread, it looked disconnected from the conversion. What question was asked?

8th post viewtopic.php?f=23&t=63446&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10

Looks more like an anchor point for his "testimonial"

Also, there's this: "Ps – if anyone comments on this thread or asks me a question please be patient for a reply, I am extremely busy with my work at the moment and im not often on these forums.. but I will reply whenim on and i I can."

He's extremely busy - but - can write up a dedicated drive by "success story?"

I don't know, or maybe I should've been a prosecutor.

I have noticed many discreet advertisements on this forum, but I'm not convinced that this is one.

If you are interested in guaging RU58841's efficacy, you should base your conclusions on scientific evidence as opposed to anecdotal ''success stories'' regardless if they contain photos or not. It's not difficult to produce fake before and after photos anyway, they don't prove anything.

That's a given as well... No argument there.

Either way good luck to all. I just want to see more statistics before buying in.


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I dont work for anyone.. im not asian im from the uk and to be honest i dont really give a sh*t if u believe me or not.. i thought i was doing you guys a favour by posting up my story.. but as is usual on these forums.. it seems to be degraded into a arguing match... which is why a rarely post on these forums.. i only posted as a mark of respect to el_duterino as i asked him a lot of advice in private messages when i was researching ru and when i told him i was having success he said i should post my results so i did..


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finfighter said:
nero said:
I dont work for anyone.. im not asian im from the uk and to be honest i dont really give a sh*t if u believe me or not.. i thought i was doing you guys a favour by posting up my story.. but as is usual on these forums.. it seems to be degraded into a arguing match... which is why a rarely post on these forums.. i only posted as a mark of respect to el_duterino as i asked him a lot of advice in private messages when i was researching ru and when i told him i was having success he said i should post my results so i did..

I appreciate you posting man!
Me too.


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I must add that I'm using 50 mg a day now without any side effects, at least I don't think so. The 5% solution was most likely 50mg/ml, which means that, theoretically, 100 mg should be used to cover the whole NW6/7 pattern.


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cheers for the update nero and congrats on your success.

So your using finasteride, minoxidil and RU now as your regimen?

Also, are you making fresh daily mixes or are you making weekly, monthly mixes?

thanks and all the best.


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Yes mate.. im using 1.25mg finasteride per day,
minoxidil 5% in the morning
and RU 100mg mixed fresh everyday in a 5ml solution of everclear 60% pgg 30% and dmi 5/10%

Im really happy with how things are going at the a month or so i might test dropping finasteride altoghter to see what happens.. but im a little reluctant to tamper with a winning formula.

i also use nisoral and tgel shampoo


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finfighter said:
Rogazzle said:
Also the broken English looks oddly "asian" and if you notice his one and only post in another thread, it looked disconnected from the conversion. What question was asked?

Enden said:
Since they applied the solution twice a day in P1 and anticipated once a day application to significantly increase hair growth in P2, they obviously discovered that once a day application was enough. It's annyoing that they don't mention anything about the amount of solution for each application... Bryan do you know? I think it's safe to say that they didn't use less than 0.5 ml a day, like they did in the animal studies. It seems like they compared it to Rogaine, and I doubt they used more than 1 ml for each application. The drugs are usually only tested on the crown, and 1 ml is sufficient to cover the area. That means that the amount of drug was probably 12.5mg and 25mg a day, or 25 and 50 mg a day. Good news is that they concluded that the drug was safe during P1, regarding systemic absorption, and I therefore believe that the drug content was 12.5 mg for the 2.5% solution, and 25 mg for the 5% solution since I experienced side effects with 50 mg once a day. I think they abandoned the drug because the results appeared similar to Rogaine.

nero said:
I would like to know if anyone has the answers to what enden just asked?

I stand corrected.

nero, my apologies since I'm obviously wrong and I'm glad to see you've made progress. We can still be friends, right?


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there is nothing wrong about being excited about your success and posting. I supplied before and after photos while using RU. For me it was a fun, inexpensive new hobbie. I worked in biotechnology tissue culture and used microscopes daily for 10 years and enjoyed the idea of using an affordable $40 microscope/$425 experiment. Very affordable to me. I supplied the photos to the benefit of others who are desperate to find a solution and did not give any opinions on the experiment. I have no issues with being questioned, after all, I am a scientist and expect it. Up until four months ago, I had never heard about anything other that finasteride/Min until this website. Rogazzle appears to be unwilling to trust others and wants to be the desperate lone wolf. So why does he even bother to read the site if he accuses others without question? Nero, be prepared to face many "debbie downers" in life as long as you remain positive, but dont give up. People want to be around positive people, hair or not.


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Pics or it didn't happen


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Yes, I am a skeptic, I have no blind faith. However, I am careful not to be acusitory, ie: sounds like an Asian person due to poor grammar. Point is, this other guy and I were merely trying to give back to the people on this site and provide them with some useful information. I have learned a great deal here to which I am grateful.