RU testicular pain


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I started using RU 7 days ago. I bought 5% RU from AnagenInc and use 0.5ml daily on my hairline. I started getting a dull testicular pain as a side effect.

Has anyone else gotten side effects like this?
What should I do?


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I don't use the stuff but from what I've read from other users experience, you've done something wrong. Maybe explain exactly how you apply the stuff and maybe someone can help you.


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I have never tried RU, but have heard that some get the same sides as finasteride.


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RU has similar sides of finasteride, but much less common because very little gets absorbed systemically


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OP this is normal. don't listen to these other guys they are uninformed. typically testicular ache should fade after a week or two. in the private forums tons of guys report that this side effect is how they know it's legit RU. i've just started RU myself two weeks ago and had the same side after a week, now it's fading. you should be fine.

just make sure to keep your RU dose between 40-100mg and preferably as low as possible in that range. it's very effective in small doses, many use 40-60mg and completely stop their loss. don't go above 100mg a dose as it's just superfluous.
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lol I was just about to make the same thread .. 3 days ago started using 5% RU from anagenic .5ml on hairline and have been experiencing the same side effect. Its like an annoying pain throughout the day.

I was curious as to what the biological effect is. Like what is happening in your testicles that causes this pain?


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i'm thinking of using it half and hour before showering so it only gets absorbed into the follicles and doesnt go systemic. Any suggestions or is this bad like using minoxidil before showering.


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i'm thinking of using it half and hour before showering so it only gets absorbed into the follicles and doesnt go systemic. Any suggestions or is this bad like using minoxidil before showering.

I don't think your plan will work the way you want it to
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Does showering before applying topicals increase the chance it going to your blood stream?

I think this may be the reason I am having sides. I will try again this time mixed with Neogeenic and I will wait at least 4 hours after showering before applying it.


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pretty sure there is nothing you can do to stop some from going systemic