RU Troublesssss Desperate


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Hey Guys,

I have been on RU for about a year for the past year and half and have held steady. For the past two months i have Lost a lot of ground. I am wondering why RU stoped working. Here is what I had.

I had two seperate packages of RU from kane. One was open in 3 zip lock bags and one was sealed still from kane. I was using KB solution. I started to notice that RU was NOT disolving in KB. RU would be sitting on my head after application. I opened my sealed bag and still the same result. So i went back to 70/30 solution with ever clear. It disolves but I am still losing hair in the shower. I am loosing so fast that Someone who saw me 2 weeks ago notice my loss. I am on 100 MG a day.

The question is
1) Did my Body Adjust ? Should I up the dosage ?
2) Did both my RU go bad in the freezer ?
3) Can i get back the hair I just lost ? I got sides on finasteride, and I am feeling desperate enough to go back...

Please help


Experienced Member
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My suggestion: up to 200MG then to 300MG ... I did that and it is working (in the sense of delaying/stabilizing). I was afraid of long term sexual side effects, but I stopped for 2 weeks and I am back to normal...
also useful to get a new shipment if the old seems fading. Dermarolling greatly improves absorption.


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whenever 1 antiandrogen doesn't work JUMP and I do mean JUMP on another. You should have started KETO or nizoral 2% A-SAP! The point is to keep an anti androgen at your scalp and follicles as often as possible. Til you get the RU going, I'd advise to KEEP nizoral on your scalp lol, meaning every other day if you can. also remember, losing ground is HARRRRD, HARD to regain. So do whatever you can to NOT LOSE hair. Because it takes hell and hot water to get it back. Check against other prescriptions, vits and supps that you take with your pharmacist and dr, but try MSM. It can , WITH your antiandrogens, keep hair from falling out. It lengthens the growth cycle and therefore less hair falls out. Again for me it only really worked when I had other stuff working with it, like oral anti androgen or nizoral or both. Doing the nizoral and taking msm (take LOTS of water at least a full glass full and start low like say 500mg or 1000mg for about 2 weeks and work up) to at least stop the bleeding aka hair fall.


Senior Member
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Have you tried iron dragon pdg2? It seems to halt it?