So I recently (three weeks) started applying RU to my frontal hairline and temples using the most common vehicle and I have to say...this stuff is potent. Within three days my shedding was greatly reduced and hairs near the application area are much stronger. The alcohol/PG in the vehicle didn't dry out my scalp too bad either. Basically it seems to be working. That being said I've had one specific side effect, arguably the worst one, and that's nipple tenderness. It happened the same day I started RU and has understandably remained since. I'm not ok with this at all. Is there anyone on these forums who has successfully alleviated this side effect while using dutasteride, finasteride, ru, etc? I'm only taking ru right now and at a very low dose. 25mg/day. Could the vehicle I'm using be (too) effective? aka getting the drug into my bloodstream too quick/easily? I'm planning to use some natural estrogen blockers to see if that helps but sometimes gyno can be progesterone based too I have no way of knowing. If anyone has experience with this side effect specifically I'm all ears.