RU58841 and pregnancy


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Hi All

First time poster, long time reader.

I’ve been using minoxidil (generic Kirland) for years, and around 3-4 months ago started using RU58841 (from anagenic)
I started at 50mg per day, and I’ve ramped up to 100mg per day. Hard to say if it is effective but I hope it is.
I just mix it into pure Isopropyl alcohol and apply it 5 minutes after showering in the morning.

Now my wife is pregnant and I’ve read vague warnings that pregnant women should not use RU and that I even should not let her touch my hair.

Do we have any idea how dangerous it really is? Is it enough to take precautions or is this risk enough that I should just discontinue use?

It appears to me that there are many people in this forum who understand this much better than me so I’m hoping you can give me advice.



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You can take RU, but your wife should take precautions to avoid touching it. It will not affect the quality of your sperm. It can affect the developing fetus if the female takes it, however. This is because many processes in the developing fetus are driven by hormones including variations of testosterone, which RU blocks all of. RU would block androgen receptors in the fetus and all the functions that T performs on the fetus it would be unable to perform, if it were to get into your partner's blood stream. This would lead to very serious consequences, like undeveloped genitals, and probably numerous other things