RU58841: General Questions

Donny J

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I'm not sure why my previous thread on this was deleted (if a mod/admim could explain, please PM me), but here it goes again...

I'm contemplating trying RU, but tbh, i'm still fairly scared about playing chemist/test-subject on a product that's not available on the general market. I've skimmed most of the 53 page thread (, but most of that info is at least a few years old. And so, i have a few questions for those of you who are currently/previously using RU58841:

-where does everyone purchase it from? most of where i read, it says "kane's site". is this ""?
-what's the difference between RU and "RUM"? i.e., what the heck is "RUM"?
-how do you mix the solution? i've found a walkthrough on bald truth talk (i can't post the link here for some reason?), by user "hellouser", but didn't know if this is what everyone else follows as well?
-i haven't heard much about any known side effects from the drug. is this true?
-are there any pre-mixed solutions available as well? again, i'm a bit scared to create my own.

any info would be appreciated. thanks!


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1. Yes Kane/kaneshop
2. Not sure
3. Mix 1/3rd propethylene glycol and 2/3rds alchohol, anywhere from .5ml-2ml depending on area you want to cover. Make batch weekly For example I have to cover a norwood 7 area, so I make 2ml. I mix 10ml everclear alchohol 95% and 5ml PG and this is a week supply. I then put in 250mg RU. This is a low dose, only less than 30mg daily. Put in somewhere between 20-100mg RU. It is unknown the most effective dosage.
4. Side effects are definitely rarer than other drugs such as finasteride, but less is known about them. Mostly the same sides as finasteride.
5. Yes there are but I would recommend learning to create your own as I am unsure of the efficacy of the premade ones.

Keep your RU powder in the fridge/freezer

Donny J

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bumping this thread.. hoping for more information regarding potential side effects, how often people experience them, and what the general thoughts are regarding the safety of the product.

likewise, hoping for insight on the product's effectiveness -- do users consider this as being a true replacement to propecia? also is there anybody who has used RU and later stopped? --if so, then i'd like to know the reasons why.



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bumping this thread.. hoping for more information regarding potential side effects, how often people experience them, and what the general thoughts are regarding the safety of the product.

likewise, hoping for insight on the product's effectiveness -- do users consider this as being a true replacement to propecia? also is there anybody who has used RU and later stopped? --if so, then i'd like to know the reasons why.


there is no information or almost no information about there about the first line of your post so you won't get an answer. As for the second one, there is little info on that as well. Just a single study from like 97' showing it worked in transplanted human hairs on mice. The only anecdotal report of it working I trust is from el duterino, a confirmed diffuse thinner, who used it after a decade of taking oral anti androgens. He used RU only for years and maintained everything he had when he started

I am using it and going to stop it after I run out because dutasteride + RU is overkill and dutasteride alone will probably be enough for me

Donny J

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there is no information or almost no information about there about the first line of your post so you won't get an answer. As for the second one, there is little info on that as well. Just a single study from like 97' showing it worked in transplanted human hairs on mice. The only anecdotal report of it working I trust is from el duterino, a confirmed diffuse thinner, who used it after a decade of taking oral anti androgens. He used RU only for years and maintained everything he had when he started

I am using it and going to stop it after I run out because dutasteride + RU is overkill and dutasteride alone will probably be enough for me
Thanks for the response/answers! I'll have to look into el duterino's postings...still so damn hesitant on this. I'm assuming that you've never personally experienced sides from it?


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Regarding RU 58841. I make 3 days batch, but I can see some people do everyday batch. Honestly it is a bit time consuming and not very practical.
Is a 3 day batch solution stable ?


Donny J

Established Member
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Regarding RU 58841. I make 3 days batch, but I can see some people do everyday batch. Honestly it is a bit time consuming and not very practical.
Is a 3 day batch solution stable ?

per above, it sounds like zzzzz makes his weekly (7 days). i've never heard of anybody doing it daily -- i've mostly heard that people will make it in 3-4 day batches.


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Hi guys. Im thinkin about givin RU a try too. I have 3 questions:

1. I'm using spironolactone atm, its ok to use it along with RU?
2. Anageninc sells this solution. Has anyone ever used this? Is it rly so bad to trust the already made solution?
3. How much and how many times per day should i use it?


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1) RU should be more effective so I would just use RU
2) Its cheaper to buy the powder and make your own as you can control how much RU you need, pre-made may be spoiled or contain less RU. People with most success make their own with fresh batches every week. Some people who bought pre-made claimed no results
3) Once a day 20-100mg (depending on severity of hair loss) per 1ml.


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I have also been thinking of adding RU to my regimen. After reading Hellousers RU thread and watching a vid on how to mix it, it looks pretty easy to do. I am currently on the big 3 for 1.5 years. I have had some regrowth, but crown is still thin. Hair line did improve a bit, but is still around NW3. Wondering if RU could help fill up the crown and thicken some of the vellus hairs on my hair line.

I have many questions but have found(yes, I have used the search feature) very few answers:

1)Can adding RU to my existing regimen produce additional regrowth or am I already pretty much topped out as far as improvement?
2)Is RU actually safe? Are there many testimonials from guys that have had success on RU for 5 - 10 years? People always recommend RU as a "safe" alternative to finasteride, but it is really safe or do most just not know what will happen after years of use.
3) How many people are actually using it? In many RU threads you read so many comments like: "Yeah I'm on it and it works great", but where are the pics? There was a thread started recently asking for RU pics and that thread died so fast it wasn't even funny. Not very many documented RU users with pics to prove their results.
4)Has there been a case similar to mine that has had success by adding RU to an existing big 3 regimen? If so, who?

Anyway hopefully we can get some answers in this thread since most of the RU threads are about 8 replies long with feedback from guys that don't even use the stuff. There are many threads with opinions on finasteride being good/bad for you. There should be a thread similar to that for RU. It really is important especially if we are going to continue to throw around the whole: "finasteride is poison, get on RU" stuff.