Ru58841 High Dose + Dermapen Results


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I wanted to see if increasing the dose of my daily RU58841 from 1mL (5%) to 4mL will yield me better results and reduce my hair loss, which is around 30-35 hairs per shower. I also microneedled my scalp with a 0.5mm Dermapen to increase the absorption of RU. After 2 days I washed my hair and to my surprise I actually lost 65-70 hairs! Which is the most I ever lost ever since I had a hair catcher. I lost more hairs from RU than when I took Anavar, which is a DHT derivative!

Idk why my hair loss increased by double in only 2 days but it's most likely from the RU. Some other reasons could be that the dermapen damaged some hair and they fell out in the shower? The ethanol in the RU dried my hair which caused it to fall out? I'm gonna stop the RU for 2 days and see if the shedding goes down. Did anyone else ever experience a shed on RU?


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You probably unregulated, what dosage was you using before? PS where do you buy the RU.


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You probably unregulated, what dosage was you using before? PS where do you buy the RU.
I get my RU from Agenic. I buy the powder form and mix it myself at a 50mg/mL strength. My usual dose is 1-2mL per day and I guess it was working but not sure. I applied 4mL yesterday and will apply 4 more mL today then I'll take a shower at night and see how much hair I lose. I didn't dermapen this time. If I lose more than 50+ hairs then I know the RU is not working for me at a high dose.


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Please don't do this.... Systemic RU is VERY risky for your health. I got extremely bad sides.
I already tried it and didn't see much of anything this time. Neither good or bad. The only time I felt any sides was when I dermapenned and used RU, I experienced slight tension in my throat. What were your sides?


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how long have you been using RU for?
I've been using RU for like 6 months I think? I stopped using it for a little while cause I'm trying new topical treatments. I also just recently stopped shampooing my hair every other day and only use conditioner now to wash my hair. My hair feels healthier and I can now wash my hair everyday without my hair becoming dry and brittle. Washing my hair everyday also allows me to see if new treatments are working by counting the hairs in the hair catcher daily. As far as treatments, I bought some S4, which is a SARM, and I'm going to apply it topically. I've heard some people get good results from it. It's arriving this Saturday.