RU58841 in Nanominox-FMS?


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Hi All,
Can I mix 5g of Ru58841 in 100 ml of Nanominox-FMS?

Ingredients of Nanominox-FMS:
minoxidil sulfate, finaesteride, creatine, ketoconazole, coated PG-liposomes, etcc


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You can mix it but...

A) will it mix in together
B) will it be stable

The only way to find out is try and see. I mix my RU in minoxidil with no problems.

Note you dont want any varibles to find out if its working or not.

E.G never have taken nano-FMS before and then add the RU58841 and start using it all at the same time. You will have the problem of not knowing if its the RU or somethine else that is working.
Ideal you dont want to have any hairloss treatment changs in 12 months prior to know if its working.