RU58841 users.


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Who, apart from the same few people, have got definite results from RU?

I was informed about RU58841 roughly a year ago, in my local gym. A friend who used anabolic steroids had thinned considerably and quickly from them.
He and 3 others were using the same batch they ordered as a bulk from the Kane store. I quickly researched thoroughly about the stuff and thought it
was the answer to preventing my mild hair loss, the mild recessions plaguing my frontal area. I started using 40mg mixed with a ML on minoxidil for about
3 months, then switching to 80mg in the proper solution (KB?) which I have been using for 7 months. Two batches from Kane and a batch from Anti-androgen.

Gave the stuff and a proper shot and can say with certainty that It had absolutely not affect on my hairloss, recession progressed at normal rate, and has
not got any worse after quitting for 2.5 months. The other guys stopped using it also, after 6 months and the original chap had almost hit NW5, and he
used upto 150mg.

It also concerns me that people are getting commission for promoting this stuff, as that does always increase dishonesty.

Donny J

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Who, apart from the same few people, have got definite results from RU?

I was informed about RU58841 roughly a year ago, in my local gym. A friend who used anabolic steroids had thinned considerably and quickly from them.
He and 3 others were using the same batch they ordered as a bulk from the Kane store. I quickly researched thoroughly about the stuff and thought it
was the answer to preventing my mild hair loss, the mild recessions plaguing my frontal area. I started using 40mg mixed with a ML on minoxidil for about
3 months, then switching to 80mg in the proper solution (KB?) which I have been using for 7 months. Two batches from Kane and a batch from Anti-androgen.

Gave the stuff and a proper shot and can say with certainty that It had absolutely not affect on my hairloss, recession progressed at normal rate, and has
not got any worse after quitting for 2.5 months. The other guys stopped using it also, after 6 months and the original chap had almost hit NW5, and he
used upto 150mg.

It also concerns me that people are getting commission for promoting this stuff, as that does always increase dishonesty.

explain that last sentence -- people are getting commission for promoting it?!


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explain that last sentence -- people are getting commission for promoting it?!

Yes. These sites are basically giving people unique links, so when someone purchases the product through their link, they receive commission.


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Who, apart from the same few people, have got definite results from RU?

Gave the stuff and a proper shot and can say with certainty that It had absolutely not affect on my hairloss, recession progressed at normal rate, and has
not got any worse after quitting for 2.5 months. The other guys stopped using it also, after 6 months and the original chap had almost hit NW5, and he
used upto 150mg.

Thank you!!! Way to much "drop finasteride and get on RU" stuff going on here. The documented results are lacking at best. I have pretty much seen only one guy that has gotten results from from RU, but he also is using minoxidil so his results are most likely from that alone. He also recently revealed that a family member had recession similar to his, and the recession halted on its own, so who knows if the stuff is really even working. We need to see more documented cases of guys with long term success for this to be considered a legitimate treatment. The "evidence" that currently exist is no longer going to cut it.

Donny J

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Thank you!!! Way to much "drop finasteride and get on RU" stuff going on here. The documented results are lacking at best. I have pretty much seen only one guy that has gotten results from from RU, but he also is using minoxidil so his results are most likely from that alone. He also recently revealed that a family member had recession similar to his, and the recession halted on its own, so who knows if the stuff is really even working. We need to see more documented cases of guys with long term success for this to be considered a legitimate treatment. The "evidence" that currently exist is no longer going to cut it.
I'm not on finasteride or RU, but do a google search (or search here, for that matter), and you'll see plenty of pictured cases where folks have documented their gains from RU. Based on your response, you should also then be putting minoxidil into question -- if the guy's family member halted on its own, then you should be concluding that minoxidil is not working either in this case..


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I'm yet to see that. Point me in the right direction?

They need to be contacted directly. But if you go on 'Goodlooking losers' website he asks users to order through his link so he may receive commission.


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Well for about 7 months I was using the premixed KB solution (just the solution, not with RU in it) and adding my RU to that, at 80mg. So 8%. I did go a bit higher but noticed it didn't fully dissolve (mabye near 120mg).
I would only mix 5 days worth keeping it in the fridge. I was only using it on my hairline so was a pretty big dose to hit in one spot.