ruins my style

tu pac

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Man, some real hardships have passed me by but sh*t, this sh*t really fucks with your identity, I bought fresh outfit today ,Im talkin new tims, a fresh new shirt some crisp jeans and a blingin Esq watch,spent big $,took shower and fresh shave,through some gio on even new godamn socks, everything I could possibly do to try to feel little better. for f*** sakes you look in the mirrior and all you see is you baldin head, f*** that makes me mad cause all you need to complete your style is the one thing ya never even considered wouldnt be there well at 22 for that matter. Sometime it really makes every attempt you do to try to improve yourself (clothing,shoes,workin out etc.) seem usless cause you cant stop thinkin man I know how good I could look. And how much does it piss you off when people say it could be worse I hate that, ya really have to experience this to know what its like, It really can start to wear on you to and its not like we can vaccation from it or take any breaks from, its always there following you stareing you in the face, It would be so much easier if it was a illness that went away like chicken pocks a problem that you knew one day would be over, not so fucken permenent.I try stayin optimistic but this really is becoming an every day every minute every second struggle, sorry not to bring anyone down and sorry if i did just sick of the comments from others I wish they were goin bald but I wouldnt even laugh at them the pain alone is enough.

lil weezy

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your not alone bro trust me. i stopped buying new clothes a while ago. you just cant convince me that shaving your head and you be happy mumbo jumbo...i want hair

tu pac

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I didnt mean that you be happier its just relieving to put some of the control back in your hands, I guess its not fo everyone.


Senior Member
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It sucks because for those of us who work hard for what they want..

monetary things and physical attributes.......... you can get it if you work hard..

but hair is the one thing that you can't control and i think that's why it f#$ks with us so much..

you can buy a new car, get jacked up in a gym, but at the end of the day, your still losing hair and you cant do S#$t about it..

I want hair too, i'd do anything in the world to keep a full head...

tu pac

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true that

man I feel the exat same way, I really think exactly like you. I worked hard and spent a ton of cash on my wordrobe to present myself as best as I could, If I there was something I wanted I could save or work hard at getting, EXAMPLE(you want a car so you save and save tell you can afford that car, knowing your situation will change or having the control to change a situation would change every thing. the only people that would be bald would be the lazy or the people who dont give sh*t. I think the worst part of this sh*t is lack of control and how you have no real power over the outcom.Its completely out of our hands and dispite our efforts no matter the amount of money you put in or time invested and research you could very likely come out with a negetive outcome. Mybe one day hair multiplication may be available maybe not, I think that if we all knew the exact date everyones troubled mines could finnaly be at ease, weather 2345 or even 10 years, to just know one day we could look back with a head of hair we could be proud of and say thank GOD those days are over.


Established Member
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I feel your pain tu pac.

I too have done a ton of things like working out more and looking sharper in clothes, but it still doesn't change the fact that you're going bald. I still am nice to the ladies, but they're superficial because of my thinning hairline and rejection happened. My brother keeps telling me to shave my head, but I don't want to look like him. I feel the need to rebel against hair loss! I've been battling it since I was 15, the only bald areas are in my temples, the rest (front, back and top are having thin parts)

For most people I know that are bald, it didn't bother them because when they were my age there weren't as many things like Rogaine or Propecia. It's nothing you can control. They were able to get on with life and didn't care what people thought about them.

My hair loss doesn't bother me as much, but I still hope that before I die, I can get it back. I'm going to get Proscar along with Minoxidil to keep it until something comes along. But with the way Hair Multiplication is priced, I need to save up for 5-8 years to afford it. So when it finally comes out, I can afford it.

Then when I get it, I can look back on those days and say Thank God those days are over like you said. I always wanted to grow my hair long (mid-neck length) and I can look younger!

But I have school to finish and a life to take care of before this is taken care of.

Hang in there everyone!


Established Member
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yeah for sure man ^

im 20 years old... im pretty much entering my prime now. 20-30 is pretty much the most important decade in a persons life... when doors open and opportunities come in grasp

i dont want to go through my prime with a f*****g NORWOOD 2V

in a couple of years im gonna look the best that i ever will in my life... and like f*** i wanna have a norwood at that time. man fuckit. i spend way too much time thinking about this crap

i need a permanent solution