Rules to live by when losing your hair (update 1)


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I'm 32 years old and I'm losing my hair. I've been losing it for the past 7 years and just this year, I've made a commitment to try and do everything in my power to keep what I have. I however live be a few rules with my thinning scalp and I'll like to pass it on:

1.) Keep your hair short. I can't stand looking at guys who are obviously losing their hair and growing it longer than Julia Roberts. After the initial shock of seeing yourself with short hair, you'll get use to it and so will everyone around you. It's easier to maintain and work with if you're using topical treatments.

2.) Don't get so depressed about your thinning scalp that you don't want to go anywhere (especially when your friends have all their hair). I know this one is tough but don't miss out on life because your best friends have thicker hair than Tom Cruise.

3.) A lot of guys grow a goatee to compensate for their thinning scalp. They're probably hoping that this looks gives them an edge and maybe the women will think they're mysterious enough because they look like a "bad boy". If growing a goatee gets you through the day, then grow away but I do think the look is dated.

4.) Don't wear a baseball cap everywhere you go because you're embarrased about your recession. If you keep it short and neat, you'll find that you don't need to hide behind a baseball cap.

5.) If someone is making fun of your receding hairline and it's starting to bother you, tell them to F off or go F themselves. They'll get the message loud and clear. You didn't ask for your hair loss so why should you be the butt of anyones jokes? It's ok if it bothers you. You're only human. If you were born without a body part and someone started making fun of you, you'd have a right to be upset. Remember, only do this if it's bothering you. I personally have a thick skin.

6.) Get all the information you can about hair loss before you start buying products. The internet is a good place to start. Also friends who are losing their hair might have some suggestions. You'll be surprised on how many guys are doing something about it. See a dermatologist. Start as early as you can and don't be in denial. Time is not on your side when you notice hair loss. Seek help immediately.

7.) Start dressing better. It helped me a lot and it made me feel better because I thought I looked better. It sounds shallow but when the count is not in your favor, you have to do everything you can to try and even the score (baseball metaphor).

8.) I'm adding this one in because someone had mentioned it in this forum and it made sense. Stay in shape. Go to the gym, workout and feel healthier about yourself. It does work. I know what you're thinking. Why do I have to go the extra mile and start a workout regiment while the overweight guy with super hair gets to veg out on his couch? You have that right to but if you want to start feeling better and getting those endorphins to start shooting across your synapse, this is not a bad place to start. Besides, being in good health is not a bad thing.

9.) Don't you hate it when you haven't seen someone in a while and after they make eye contact with you, the next thing they do is give your hairline the once over and even make a snide remark about it? I just can't stand the fact that they give the old hairline the quick eye exam and you know what they must be thinking. These people need to be hurt in someway. This one isn't a rule just more of an observation. You can however ask them what the F are you looking at? I know some guys with thinning hair will break the ice first with a joke. Good for them.

10.) Don't let it consume you. I know this one is tough but your free thoughts shouldn't be wasted on this all day. Instead, think of the promotion you're trying to get or that hot new chick your company just hired. It will wear you out if you just keep thinking of your hair loss all day. Plus, it will depress the life out of you.

Remember, there are a lot of guys out there that feel the way you do about your hair loss. It's not fun knowing that you have one more thing to worry about but even though these are the cards you were dealt, it doesn't mean that this is the hand you have to play (poker methaphor).
This is it for now but if anyone has anything else to add, be my guest.

Green Soap

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Bravo, I agree with all of the above, especially the goatee part.

Most of the time a guy will grow a goatee because he has a horrible diet and his face is fat and pudgy.

therefore you should have added :

Start going to the gym, bigtime.

Somewhere near the top.

Hey Gunner, you reading this? I think it could help you, if that's possible.


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Good advice


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Where ever you work you need a raise immediately....either that or a pulitzer mean atleast a ring pop or something


I'm not liking number 5 at all.

Tell him to f off or go f themselves?

Nope. Not the answer.

It'll make ot 100% obvious you're bothered by it.


I think the general rule of thumb is to look after yourself, keep fit, keep trim and then you will feel invincible.

A bit like me really...... the women go crazy for it....


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Re: Rules to live by when losing your hair

HairlessinToronto said:
4.) Don't wear a baseball cap everywhere you go because you're embarrased about your recession. If you keep it short and neat, you'll find that you don't need to hide behind a baseball cap.

this one sucks for me but i understand it. i have always wore hats since high school, i am 22 and a diffuse thinner and even when i had more hair people were used to seeing me with a hat, so not that it didnt feel weird enough when i didnt where one now i am losing my hair and it really feels weird.


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ya, getting out of the hat identity is really hard actually....very strange that it's like that.


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jimmystanley said:
ya, getting out of the hat identity is really hard actually....very strange that it's like that.

So true. I consider living under a hat for so long one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made in my life. From High School till a year ago (28 now) I lived under a hat. It took a long time to gather the courage for me to take the F-ING thing off. I would get real nervous whenever I went somewhere without it or I thought I might get into a situation wear I had to take it off.

I still have issues with people who have never seen me without one. Some old friends that I see once or twice a year haven't seen me without one in over a decade. Like they don't know what is going on.

When I met my Girlfriend I made it a point for her to rarely ever see me wearing one or her family and friends. Thankfully I met her without having one on. They have all seen me as is and it makes things so much easier. They all see me as me. Not as "They guy who always wears a hat" like I am sure some other people used to think of me. I had a job wear I could wear one and I never took it off. Damn near torture when someone would comment on it. It becomes a psychological addiction. I tried to break the habit by taking it off a few times a work, but after a year straight , people will always comment on your hair. "Wow never seen you without a hat!" or whatever.

So do yourself a big favor and never get into the habit or break the habit ASAP. There is no difference between wearing a hat all the time and wearing a hairpiece. NONE! In both caes your wearing something on your head to hide your baldness. One is just a Toupee with an ADIDAS logo.

It took me nearly six months to get out of the habit of always grabbing the damn thing. Now I rarely ever wear one. If it's raining, or early in the AM on a weekend and I got to run some errands I will throw one on if I don't have time to shower. Or sometimes just when I don't feel like messing with my hair I wear one to. You know, like how often a normal human wears one. Not like it's a piece of my body.


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I started wearing one long before losing my hair so if people would be like why do you always wear a hat , then i could be like cause i like them, but it wasnt a huge deal to take it off, heck it had to be off during all of high school, im 22 now. But then around 20 21 i started losing my hair and never wanted to take it off. On a good note im open with my losing my hair and all my friends know about it even my not so close friends and it no big deal really.
Its a bigger deal to me, most people probably dont even really notice since i cut my hair so short, i just think they are noticing.


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mame the f****r? but then you end up in prison :(