Rumor on minoxidil accelerating male pattern baldness?

Agustin Araujo

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Is it actually possible that if a person is on minoxidil (while not on finsateride) that the male pattern baldness gets accelerated? Like... More blood=more dht?

No. I use Minoxidil twice daily without Dutasteride or Finasteride and it significantly slowed my male pattern baldness. No one would use Minoxidil to treat hair loss if it actually accelerated the condition.


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I've never seen reference to increasing pattern baldness in the literature, but there are reports of temporarily increased shedding during the first weeks of use.


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No. I use Minoxidil twice daily without Dutasteride or Finasteride and it significantly slowed my male pattern baldness. No one would use Minoxidil to treat hair loss if it actually accelerated the condition.

So if it didnt do it for you it doesnt do it for anybody. Great data.

Yes it can. Mainly in the temples.


Agustin Araujo

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I've never seen reference to increasing pattern baldness in the literature, but there are reports of temporarily increased shedding during the first weeks of use.

No, it can't increase pattern baldness, otherwise no one would use it to treat hair loss and I'd be completely bald by now.

About shedding, yes, it can cause shedding during the first few weeks. When I first started Minoxidil, I went through a wicked shed for the first two months. Then it stopped, and I started to get regrowth.


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No, it can't increase pattern baldness, otherwise no one would use it to treat hair loss and I'd be completely bald by now.

About shedding, yes, it can cause shedding during the first few weeks. When I first started Minoxidil, I went through a wicked shed for the first two months. Then it stopped, and I started to get regrowth.

... So drugs work the same for everyone?

Armando Jose

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[h=1]1% of users can develop alopecia with minoxidil

Posibles efectos adversos[/h]Al igual que todos los medicamentos, Lacovin puede producir efectos adversos, aunque no
todas las personas los sufran.

Los efectos adversos más frecuentemente notificados son prurito (picor), dermatitis (enrojecimiento), sequedad, irritación de la piel, eczema (afección inflamatoria de la piel), hipertricosis (crecimiento de pelo en la piel), generalmente de intensidad leve a moderada y reversibles al suspender el tratamiento.

[h=1]Frecuentes (pueden afectar hasta 1 de cada 10 pacientes):[/h]- Prurito (picor)
- Irritación local de la piel
- Dermatitis (enrojecimiento) de contacto
- Sequedad de la piel
- Exfoliación cutánea (descamación de la piel).

[h=1]Poco frecuentes (pueden afectar hasta 1 de cada 100 pacientes):[/h]- Dolor de cabeza y parestesias (sensación de adormecimiento en brazos o piernas)
- Taquicardia (aceleración de los latidos del corazón)
- Palpitaciones e hipotensión (bajada de la tensión arterial)
- Rash eritematoso (enrojecimiento generalizado)
- Eczema (afección inflamatoria de la piel)
- Alopecia
- Hipertricosis (crecimiento de pelo en la piel).



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Personally I'm thinking in giving up, I don't think it's worth it on its own. If you have complications from the use of it I would drop it without thinking twice.


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Is it actually possible that if a person is on minoxidil (while not on finsateride) that the male pattern baldness gets accelerated? Like... More blood=more dht?

That's not how minoxidil works....If you have male pattern baldness, that means your hair follicles are constricted by the DHT buildup on your scalp. It essentially removes this constriction, hence why your hair would grow using it. It wouldn't make any sense if it actually causes it.


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That's not how minoxidil works....If you have male pattern baldness, that means your hair follicles are constricted by the DHT buildup on your scalp. It essentially removes this constriction, hence why your hair would grow using it. It wouldn't make any sense if it actually causes it.

I thought minoxidil dilates the bloodvessels , so there's more bloodflow to the hair follicles, so more DHT ( just like Tom said).


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Hey guys I have a question which I am struggling to find the answer to. I'm not clearly balding at all, however I do have people in my family who are balding and others who are not. For example my fathers fathers side have male pattern baldness whilst my fathers mothers side have amazing full heads of hair so his brothers are a mix of male pattern baldness and full heads of hair. I've noticed a while back that I have a thin patch on the right side of my hairline (after top knotting my hair back tight), I've personally never seen male pattern baldness like this so I am not sure what to make of it. I essentially bought minoxidil 5% foam which I am applying twice a day for four hours. In my case would you guys recommend I apply minoxidil only to this area or will this worsen my hairline? Again I know minoxidil is not for front of the scalp but from what I've read it still can work. Really not sure whether to keep applying to this one area!?

Armando Jose

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No, I think that it refers to current alopecia, BTW any meds that alters continously the hair cycle could develop hair loss, similar to russian bullet, all is based in probability .

And initial shedding of normal? hair to regrow, most the times, thin and no very healthy???? It is to medite.


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Just think logical.
Yes it can accellerate mail pattern baldness.
For the ppl that get the shed and are afraid and stop minoxidil. Those hairs you have lost will not grow back or grow back thinner. Theye wont grow back as normal.

For the ppl that keep using it, the shed hairs will grow back normally, hopefullly because not everon is a responder.

If it works well for you but you had the shed or even multiple sheds, wheb you stop minoxidil you will also be wofse off then before.
Why? Because everytime and I mean everytile you shed, the hair grows back thinner or doesnt grow back at all.
So that sucks for the ppl it works for but theye shed multiple times from minoxidil.
And then theye stop let's after 1,2,3,4 years
And the hair theye had before minoxidil is eaten and superthin.
So eventually everone stops. I can't see anyone doing it for 20 years or so.
And then theye notice minoxidl screwed them in the long run. Only to have good hair for 2 years.

And becauqe of the multipl shedding phases minoxidil cause theye hair wont grow back ever to the way it used to be.

Be sure you only use minoxdile when you have alledy lost an extreemly amount of hair allrdy.
If you still have good looking hair and use minoxidil, oh my friend you hair will be screwed forever years earlier then it should have if you never used minoxidil.

If you want more hair, and i believe minoxidil can grow more hair. Be sure bir be ABSOLUTELY sure you want to use it for the rest of your life or to an age when dont give a sh** anymore.

Otherwhise minoxidil can cause alot alot alot of damage.

Lost 40% of my hair give or take because of the minoxidil shed, it never grew back.
I keep my hair exteeemly short now, luckely it suits me, but it could be the otherway arround and feeling depressed.

Warning: do not use minoxidil if you have male pattern baldness, it will f*** your hair up when you stop using the product!


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In a paralel universe, minoxidil makes you bald, while topical DHT helps you regain your locks..


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No, it can't increase pattern baldness, otherwise no one would use it to treat hair loss and I'd be completely bald by now.

About shedding, yes, it can cause shedding during the first few weeks. When I first started Minoxidil, I went through a wicked shed for the first two months. Then it stopped, and I started to get regrowth.

@Agustin Araujo can you please elaborate a bit on your regimen and experience with it? Where are you at now?

I started balding 11 years ago, so by now minoxidil+time should've had me at NW7.

Thanks for your post @GiveMeAccessToMyAccount. Are you only on minoxidil? and if so how are you doing 11 years on?