S-Equol as a Hair Loss Inhibitor


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A little background: S-Equol is a metabolite of the soy isoflavone daidzen. Only about 30% of the U.S. population produces this metabolite while over 60% of east asian countries produce it. It is implicated that this metabolite is the reason many men from the far east don't experience hairloss and in studies has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of dht from the binding site. There are many studies on its use on women with menopause symptoms and has been very successful in those trials. I e-mailed the makers of the S-Equol supplement about a future release date for the supplement and I got this reponse:
From: Beth P., Consumer Affairs Department
Subject: Reference #200106433

Dear Sir or Madam :

We recently received your e-mail regarding Natural S-Equol. We appreciate your question concerning our supplement.

We are planning on launching this terrific product over the next year. Currently, we are working on our launch plans and marketing materials and would be happy to contact you when we officially launch.

Thank you for contacting us. Have a wonderful day.

Beth P.
Call Center Coordinator
Pharmavite, LLC


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no, I'm talking about s-equol, the actual metabolite. The one you mentioned just provides daidzen with some of the bacteria strains that are needed to produce s-equol. However, studies indicate that simply supplementing with the required bacteria doesn't enhance equol production. This company has performed like over 30 clinical studies on their product that have been peer-reviewed in scientific journals. They are the real deal.


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We've posted about this in the past. It's strange the company doesn't just put out the product right away..or hasn't in the past what- year or more?


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Hello everybody,
In this patent appears that the ProEqual, like Fan Halen cited, mention tests and did well, there was suppression of DHT using the same. There including diagrams showing this. This patende would be a lie?

Diamond Dave

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hey you posted a website on buying meds.? admin ban him lol

I'm not promoting the site at all, just trying to assist another member.
I'm not using the product but that may change. It looks promising.
I think JulioGP is right.


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...until I see some hard data showing how much DHT levels are affected based on what kind of dosage, then I wouldn't go there....I was over 30mg/day for over 3 months and it did nothing to halt my loss...my guess is you need over 50mg/day taken internally, but who knows...

....at least with Keratene, this is hard data that shows DHT levels are, in fact, reduced....that's a world more than anybody anyone claimed about Equol usage


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I've been hearing about this keratene stuff on a few other threads. Does it have any evidence for DHT suppression?, and by evidence I mean clinical double blind studies that have appeared in peer-reviewed journals.

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as far as manufacturing this stuff, I imagine it takes a lot of time to mass produce anything because of the resources.


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Yes, I've read about this these are the Nature Made peeps. I mean, I would be interested in taking S-Equol from a known company and have it be easily accessible.

But it needs more research. Research focused on hair-loss. Would be nice to know, OK, take THIS amount and it can bind to X% - X% of your DHT.

Folexen was a joke, and EquolSlim would be O.K. sans the fact that you are also ingesting chromium and that is not good your body long term.

It's an exciting development but it needs more research.

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Is this what you're talking about?


It's $30 a month available now

Hey there.

Man.. I am really skeptical of this, no offense. Seems too good to be true. I'd be more interested in taking the actualy S-Equol already made. I hope that the Nature Made peeps release it soon. I'd want some DHT blood tests before and after done on people to see if the claims stack up and how much is necessary to affect male pattern baldness.


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sans the fact that you are also ingesting chromium and that is not good your body long term.

:argue: This was already explained before.....


Established Member
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Hi Jacob. Well, that's what I have read. I'm open to being wrong, I'll do some research on here. I haven't seen where, care to point me in the right direction?


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I've been hearing about this keratene stuff on a few other threads. Does it have any evidence for DHT suppression?, and by evidence I mean clinical double blind studies that have appeared in peer-reviewed journals.

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as far as manufacturing this stuff, I imagine it takes a lot of time to mass produce anything because of the resources.
From what I read, they are doing a good study, with all these features you mentioned. Look: The study is a phase 2a, randomized, double blind, multicenter, placebo controlled, parallel group, proof of concept study comparing the efficacy, safety, and acceptability of S-equol to placebo in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. The study objective is to examine a dose response of 3 dose levels of S equol versus placebo on prostate specific antigen concentrations in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. The safety of S-equol will be evaluated during the study. http://clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT00962390


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I was wondering what would be the benefits of reducing DHT by this remedy or by Finasteride. What are the differences?
I think it would only benefit is the reduction of DHT is that by other methods, to be free of side effects, no?
If a simple reduction as Finasteride does not see many advantages.


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I was wondering what would be the benefits of reducing DHT by this remedy or by Finasteride. What are the differences?
I think it would only benefit is the reduction of DHT is that by other methods, to be free of side effects, no?
If a simple reduction as Finasteride does not see many advantages.

Equol binds to DHT directly and changes it chemical form so it doesn't do the damage it would otherwise --- supposedly.....nobody really knows if this is effective for hairloss and the bio-chemical processes that dictate whether hair falls out or not...

finasteride affects the 5aR enzyme that is a catalyst for normal Testosterone conversion to DHT...finasteride limits DHT levels indirectly...but 5aR is an enzyme that does a whole host of other things and screwing with that will screw with you -- like your estrogen levels


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The answer: "Hello Julio,

I wanted to provide you with some follow-up information. I was notified by my associate that you may be posting on Hair Loss Talk forums about Proequol. We monitor these forums because they generally help drive a lot of traffic to our website. We cannot post on any of the hair loss websites because of the forum rules about promoting products.

To clear up some of the discussion about Proequol and equol supplements:

Any equol supplement, such as Pharmavite, would be unlikely to be potent enough to have a sufficient levels of equol, in vivo, to fully mitigate DHT. Through our years of studies, we have determined that 100 ng/ml of unbound equol in blood plasma is the minimum level needed to mitigate DHT. By our estimates (based on urine levels of equol), Pharmavite may only provide 1/12th of those blood levels because not all of the equol contained in the capsule/tablet will be fully absorbed into the bloodstream. Additionally, their product is marketed towards menopausal woman, and the blood levels required there are likely not as high as they are for mitigating DHT.

The moral here is that metabolizing equol in the intestines is the most effective way to produce and more importantly, absorb equol into the body. In that respect, any supplement containing synthesized equol cannot compete with Proequol's equol output.

Finally, some of the results of our studies cannot be made public because Proequol is being marketed as a nutritional supplement. Only pharmaceuticals can make direct effectiveness claims. However, Proequol is not a pharmaceutical and we must market the product within legal limits.

Thank you,
Black Bear Naturals, LLC"


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Im very interested, but cannot order outside the US , bummer,
would be great if someone in the US tried it and gave feedback

The Natural

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Not sure if it matters or not but this Proequol product seems to be an updated version of Densiti, made by the same company Black Bear Naturals (formerly Bear Biotech).


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no point in taking this stuff until we have some numbers to go off of....but at this point, I would think you need at least 100mg/day to start or else don't bother doing the experiment