sad story about a friend ...


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a friend of mine has a hair loss problem. he is active in sports and usually wears a hat to cover up his balding head. well, one day a nice looking lady thought that my friend was good looking and they proceeded to meet, exchange numbers, etc. my friend was very excited about his upcoming date as this woman was pretty nice looking and talkative.

well the day for the date finally arrives, and my friend goes to pick up this women at her place. they drive to the resturant and order dinner, yet something is different about this girl...she isn't saying much of anything. this girl is usually very talkative and outgoing, so for her to be so quite was strange. something was up.

the date was ending and my friend dropped her off at her place. he was conserned about her so he called a day later wondering if she was ok. she didn't return his calls and basically blew him off. my friend was very sad about this situation.

what changed? what made a very outgoing girl so quite on a date? what made this girl that thought my friend was so good looking...not talk to him? well the answer is very simple. the girls friend told me that she was no longer interested in my friend once she saw he was losing his hair. you see, on the date my friend did not wear the hat that she always saw him in. although his hair was combed nicely. hair loss prevented the two from dating.

was she shallow? or was she decieved? that question is for you to answer.

the moral of the story is don't hide your hairloss....the girl you are dating will find out, and may not be interested in you. some women are that shallow. let them know you have a hair loss problem up front is the best advice. if they except you the way you are, they are great and conserned with more things than looks.

anyone have similar experiences?

The Gardener

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Do I think she is 'shallow'? Hard to say, actually.

It is in a woman's genetic makeup to seek a man who would be the most successful potential mate with which to have children. This means that women, subconsciously and genetically, are attracted to strength and youth over frailty and age.

Hairloss makes men look old, and thus makes us less attractive to most women than the other guys out there who have hair. It's just a matter of fact that we have to deal with and there is no way to sugar coat it. And, trying to label women as being 'shallow' isn't going to change anything either.

So, what do we do about it? Well, since women are instinctively attracted to men who 'appear' to be fertile and are strong and young, then we need to do other things to counteract what the hair does to damage this aspect of our image. We need to pay more attention to having a healthy lifestyle so as to prevent other non-hair signs of premature ageing. We also need to hit the gym, having a great body is about the best thing that we can do to counteract the hair issue.

Believe me, NOBODY on this earth is dealt four aces at birth. We have to play the hand we have the best way we can. I mean, having hairloss is definitely not an attractive thing. But, I'll tell you what is even MORE unnattractive.. a man who has no confidence, constantly complains about how bad he has it, and has a negative attitude about life and the challenges it brings. A definite deal-breaker with the women, every time.


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looks come first then personality. thank god i still have my looks. i managed to find me another hot g\f. it'll suck when my hairloss gets noticible..but don't settle for a girl like that. my g\f is very attractive and has a great personality. sure looks matter but after time together they'll be more than that. at least if you find the right girl like i have. never settle. you'll regret it later on


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Great topic Beasteality

I went on a double date this winter with a very attractive girl. At 1st she saw my pics from a friend and the girl called me everyday. Well the date went along and 1 she said i wasnt as talkative as i was on the phone. I have no idea what happened maybe it was my hair? the calls subsided i send her emails occasionaly havent heard from her in awhile. I THINK and i know she was shallow. Not to mention she had a child and strech marks on her stomach. I didnt say nothing about it. I ll have to ask my friend why she wasnt intrested. < to be contuined.

Doesnt matter though Im with a hott spanish girl now :) and i told my lil chica i had the hair thing goin on and she straight out called me Charlie Brown. 1.... i started laffin my *** off 2. it didnt bother her and she loves me the way iam. 3. she said bald men that are built are sexy 4. my big penis helps :oops:

shame we live in a world based on image sells right?

screw dem b****s but if there honest its cool ill give em a lil more respect cause i dont like fat chicks.

so the conclusion is we try and change our hairloss right? drugs, regimes, knowledge....right ok

but see a fat chick can change her apperance thru diet / training?... right ok

what if they dont work? well sh*t ur screwed right?

pce Brian


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why do i get the feeling i'm the only one here who meets women beyond the internet?


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i've been married to a women for 5 years that i didn't meet online...BUT about 7 years ago i did meet a girl online who sent me some very nice looking pictures of her. by the time i met her in person i had started to care for her. she didn't have the beautiful skin in real life that she showed in the pictures..but i didn't care about the acne

usually looks are first, then personality. you definitly need both.


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The Gardener said:
We have to play the hand we have the best way we can. I mean, having hairloss is definitely not an attractive thing. But, I'll tell you what is even MORE unnattractive.. a man who has no confidence, constantly complains about how bad he has it, and has a negative attitude about life and the challenges it brings. A definite deal-breaker with the women, every time.

i agree. having high self confidence is important without being cocky.

The Gardener

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You don't need perfect looks. You just need enough in the looks department to get you enough access time to allow the girls to get to know your personality.


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beast said:
well, one day a nice looking lady thought that my friend was good looking and they proceeded to meet, exchange numbers, etc. my friend was very excited about his upcoming date as this woman was pretty nice looking and talkative.

:roll: why is that i get the impression ur friend is just as superficial as this girl? :roll:

btw, i think women over 30 are less superficial. that probably why u see so many gold diggers at that age. a that age, women are ONLY in love with themselves. they want all the money for their LV handbags, chanel dresses, elizabeth arden cosmetics/make-up. some women like the rich/powerful for different reasons. they like them cause it fills what they lack. and alot of times its power and money security. so don't give up u bald fat and unattractive ppl. once u reach that golden age, the going gets slightly less tough.