Saturated my head in minoxidl for ~5 mos., a lot of regrowth


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Hey guys, as a lot of you know (or may not know), I've tried a lot of stuff through the years and blew a lot of money on crap that didn't work to try to control hair loss. The most effective thing to 'regrow' hair is a hair transplant procedure.
Here are my results after my 1st one:
go to [select author] and then select [ChrisHT_by_DrCharles]

For a decade, I simply tried to control the hair loss while juicing. Some things work than others. Regrowth wasn't really on the map. In a nutshell, the best thing you can do is avoid highly androgenic compounds, take finasteride, a high quality minoxidil formula with azelaic acid and a ketconazole shampoo that also includes ingredients to reduce inflammation (and is designed for daily long term use, unlike Nizoral). I have a simplified and thorough discussion here - The routine works super good to prevent further loss for most guys (I get lots of feedback via email and I appreciate it!).

For the past 4 or 5 months or so I have been trying something a bit different that has significantly regrown a lot of hair that was seemingly lost earlier in the year when I idiotically combined finasteride and Deca (and also used Melanotan, which seemed to make things worse). I was losing 200-250 hairs in the hair, for about 5.5 months. The results are really good and I'm putting off a previously scheduled hair restoration procedure that was to address the crown and specific frontal zones. Simply put, a lot more hairs are growing in and coming out. The net difference has resulted in a lot of added density, especially in the front on the hair line. You basically keep your head saturated in minoxidil all day. I haven't had ANY side effects, not even dry scalp.

Regrowth is super tough to get, but this combo has made my hair grow super fast and also minimized my hair loss in the shower. It's the best thing I've done and you might want to try it if you want a shot at some regrowth. At worst, it will really slow down your current rate of hair loss. Over the past 5 months it's important to note that I'm on a prescribed 200mg of test, every 7 days. So I don't have high levels of androgens in my system. I did a 4 week run of superdrol and noticed no increase in hair loss and no decrease in regrowth. Superdrol is pretty safe for most guys.

Anyway, here's what I do-
• 2.5 mg finasteride every 3 days (my doctor prescribes Proscar, insurance covers it. Costs 40$ for 3-4 months. I cut then into 1/2s. There was an Austalian study that showed taking finasteride every 3 days was 90% as effective as taking it every day.)

• 2-4 Applications of PI 15% Minoxidil with Azelaic Acid (if you haven't used minoxidil before definitely start with the 5% strength minoxidil) The idea is basically to keep your head saturated in minoxidil the entire day. It seems to work even better. I know the directions say 1 or 2 applications a day is sufficient, but I never got as much regrowth as I am now, applying it several times a day. For my specific recommendation on which product to use check out - if you want to try this but want to use a cheaper minoxidil, you can get a 5% generic minoxidil (but note: it won't have azelaic acid which inhibits scalp DHT). The generic Kirkland or Member's Mark minoxidil is legitimate and super cheap. The formula I suggest dries super quick and isn't oily unlike most minoxidil formulas I've used. Again, the idea is to have your head saturated in minoxidil all day.

• Use a quality ketoconazole shampoo daily or every other day. Make sure you pick ketoconazole formula that you can use every day or every other day (Nizoral is too harsh for most guys to use daily). You'll probably want to wash out the minoxidil residue so you'll probably be showering at least every two days.

• Use N2 Shampoo daily or every other day - this is seriously a good hair growth shampoo. It also has a lot of ingredients that will keep potential dry scalp issues (from minoxidil or ketoconazole) away.

HGH will also benefit your hair growth. I'm not using it now however.
I've been doing this routine for months now and I haven't had dry scalp or any issues.

Most guys think that they aren't getting results from minoxidil. I certainly thought that in the past. The newer formulas are a ton better than the old oily crap that was overpriced. Although I never saw too much regrowth from minoxidil - I did seem to notice that I lost way less hair in the shower. The usual 40-50 hairs became 15-20 hairs. I always reference this study from the "International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons" that shows the guys that used minoxidil for a year reduced their hair shed in shower from a median of 69.7 hairs to 33.8 hairs (over a 50% reduction). So it works, you gotta use it consistently though.
source: ISHRS Study: 5% Minoxidil in Treating Male-Pattern Hair Loss -

I work at home mostly so I don't mind have my head saturated in minoxidil or my hair not styled, the PI formula dries real quick anyway (5 minutes). Again this might not be for everybody, but if you want to MAX out and want the best opportunity for regrowth you may want to give it a shot.


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Well you are lucky because i can't use it. So idk what i will do for regrowth. and that's VERY important. Very.


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Do you keep it saturated all day everyday, or just a few days a week? I find this very informative btw. Thank you for that.


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Thing is, I have been looking into several threads in this forum and noticed that the results for people using more minxodil then recommended was getting overall better results then those sticking to the recommendations. I am now applying 1.5ml of 5% minoxidil twice a day. Hoping that it will give better result then before. Perhaps I should increase it even more.


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Thing is, I have been looking into several threads in this forum and noticed that the results for people using more minxodil then recommended was getting overall better results then those sticking to the recommendations. I am now applying 1.5ml of 5% minoxidil twice a day. Hoping that it will give better result then before. Perhaps I should increase it even more.


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yo man, i've heard of that "N2" shampoo, where can you buy it though?


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Agahi said:
Do you keep it saturated all day everyday, or just a few days a week? I find this very informative btw. Thank you for that.

Pretty much everyday. Here's a video talking about exactly what I'm doing - I work from home, so I don't mind. I use a different minoxidil when I go out though

- Minoxidil 5% 2-3x
- Azelaic Acid Cream
- Finasteride 2.5, every 3 day
- Ketoconazole Shampoo


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I don't think I could saturate with liquid minoxidil all day, every day, but I could do it a few days a week. I'll report back in the future on any progress. I'm also looking for a place to grab some Azelaic Acid locally. I only buy online as a last resort. Thank you for all the information.


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DavisNY said:
forgive my ignorance what is N2 Shampoo and does it have any potential sides?
wow! thats a really cool design you guys came up with. very classy! just imagine how it will look after the brass starts to age and build up a patina


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Why member's mark brand minoxidil and not kirkland?

Is it better or just preference?

How do you apply the azelaic acid? between your follicles, and over your whole head?


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Very informative website. Thanks for the information. I am thinking of adding azelaic acid 20% to my current routine. I currently use Nizoral 1% every 3 days. Could you use a Ketoconazole shampoo for frequently? or switch off with other ones?