Saw Palmetto And Pumpkin Seed Oil


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I am posting from my experiences with the above two natural remedies.

1) SP. As mentioned in a previous post, I got sides from SP. I took it on two separate occasions for about a year each time. I got ball ache both times just under the one month mark, which last a couple weeks. Near the one year mark, I started to notice anxiety and panicky. It wasn't until my second time around with SP that I realized my anxiety was attributed to the SP. The anxiety wouldn't go away, but literally a day after I stopped taking the SP, the anxiety stopped.

2) Pumpkin Seeds. I started eating raw pumpkin seeds approx one month ago. Literally ate a handful or two a day. I started to get ball ache 2 weeks in which persisted until yesterday. My libido was also insane, but that could just be attributed to it being summer, and females wearing.. well... summer clothes :). Anyways, anxiety started up approx a week ago. It is a familiar feeling which I hate. I felt if the PS caused ball ache, it must have the same DHT reducing side effects as SP. I literally stopped eating the PS yesterday, and today my anxiety is more or less gone. A total 180 from just 24 hours ago. Ball ache which I was experiencing just yesterday is gone too. I also read that the daily dose for PS oil was only 400mg a day for hair loss (as per the Korean study), however, I was eating handfuls which was way too much I assume.

I know a lot of you will say it could be psychological, but to me, ball ache isn't psychological. The anxiety I could see could be attributed to psychological aspects, but so far I am 3/3 when it comes to starting/stopping using DHT blocking herbs that I ingest.

I have been on MIN for 8 years, and S5 cream for almost 3 years.

The reason I posted this is because it appears that DHT blockers, whether synthetic or "natural" does the same thing, and as a result, will cause the same side effects.


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I get bad anxiety from even a single finasteride pill but I have never experienced this side effect when taking natural DHT inhibitors such as saw palmetto or epilobium. That's just my personal experience but I think it makes sense because, unlike many drugs, most herbs do not have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.


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Well if Dht blockers do their job it shouldn't really matter if it is natural or a drug. I don't think it has anything to do with the drug or herb getting into the brain, but the chemical reaction in your body as a result of lowered Dht. I've never taken finasteride. If I'm that sensitive to stuff like sp and pumpkon seeds, I can't imagine what what would happen on finasteride.


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Well if Dht blockers do their job it shouldn't really matter if it is natural or a drug. I don't think it has anything to do with the drug or herb getting into the brain, but the chemical reaction in your body as a result of lowered Dht. I've never taken finasteride. If I'm that sensitive to stuff like sp and pumpkon seeds, I can't imagine what what would happen on finasteride.

I am affraid that is far from accurate. If you learned a bit about pharmacology you would know some drugs work in certain tissues and not in others and the fact that they do or do not cross the blood brain barrier can make a big difference.

BTW as far as a I know merely reducing blood DHT levels should have no effect on hair loss or brain chemistry. This hormone is produced locally everywhere in the body, so if your drug/supplement can't make it to the brain 5ar enzime will be present there converting T to DHT and you may get no effect at all.
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Bro I supper doesed saw pawmetto and I'm 16 I took 2,500 mg of it a day it did nothing at all for hair loss