Saw Palmetto and shedding


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I have been taking Saw Palmetto for almost 3 weeks now for a prostate issue I was having and it has been working extremely well. I have also read that it can possibly help
with hair loss.

I have been shedding quite a bit of hair the past 2 weeks and wonder if it is a result of the saw palmetto. I watched a video on you tube of someone who started taking it
and said that they shed hair when they first started as well.

My question is, if it is helping my prostate issue for now, I should continue taking it, but how much would be recommended to take to inhibit DHT?
I am taking 450mg 3x a day with meals at the moment. Is that too high? It says on the bottle that you could take 3-5x a day.


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If it is helping, it wouldn't be logical to stop it. Just make sure that is what the bottle says, and you will be fine. The hair will eventually stop shedding and grow back. If you are worried, just go to a doctor.